Wish you were here, love from 1924
June 12, 2008 7:31 AM   Subscribe

Where can I buy books of historic postcards of Toronto and/or Canada?

I need to get about 50 assorted blank postcards showing historical scenes or views of Canada, preferably of Toronto. They'll need to be detachable from the book and function as postcards -- so not pictures of postcards.

I've got three-quarters of one whole day in downtown Toronto tomorrow and I'm wondering if anybody knows of anywhere in town I can pick these up.

This is the kind of thing I'm looking for (but that's London). I've not had much luck on Amazon, I'm afraid.

Any thoughts? Do the Toronto city archives have a bookstore?

posted by randomination to Shopping (5 answers total)
There's no bookstore at the City Archives, but their information desk might help you find what you need: 416-397-5000.

The Toronto Public Library has published a number of books on historic Toronto, but none as postcards.

Most books of this type I've seen in souvenir shops are all modern pics of the CN Tower, islands, skyline etc. You might be out of luck.
posted by Paid In Full at 8:17 AM on June 12, 2008

I googled "toronto historical society" and came up with the York Historical Society, which has a post office and gift shop...also their contact page lists all kinds of Toronto history places, which might have gift shops of their own. Maybe give them a ring?
posted by girlpublisher at 8:41 AM on June 12, 2008

If you're into newer but still vintage-y postcards, there's a huge bin of loose ones from the 70s and 80s at Honest Ed's.

I love Honest Ed's.
posted by rhinny at 11:41 AM on June 12, 2008

We used an old post card (1960's) as part of our invitations for our wedding just outside Toronto. After looking all over the place in antique stores, we found browsing easiest, fastest, and most extensive on ebay. Not sure if you'll find a book of postcards, but individual ones for sure. Though the bin at Honest Ed's sounds kinda cool too.
posted by commissioner12 at 7:27 PM on June 12, 2008

I was just at Valhalla, the card shop, 823 Queen St W, near Niagara St and they had a great collection of vintage Toronto and Canada postcards. They are on the left as you enter the store, on the wall.
posted by girlpublisher at 11:20 AM on June 15, 2008

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