Craftsman fantasies?
May 31, 2008 9:14 PM   Subscribe

What sort of hobby or craft do you daydream about learning and doing professionally?

While I'm in school to become an enginneer, I've often daydreamed about being a bowyer, a charcuterist, a vinter/brewer/distiller, a forest gardener, or a video game programmer.

What hobbies or crafts, whether or not you can actually do them yet, or whether or not you think they are practical, have you thought about doing in a semi-professional manner?
posted by mjewkes to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (9 answers total)

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Furniture maker. I've got the basics of woodworking down, just need the experience, tools and room to work. I'm planning on doing it in my retirement.
posted by sanka at 9:21 PM on May 31, 2008

I daydream about arranging food on plates all pretty.
God, I'm weird.
posted by idiotfactory at 9:24 PM on May 31, 2008


aviating and skydiving

cognitive scientist

posted by gcat at 9:37 PM on May 31, 2008

oops - philosopher
posted by gcat at 9:38 PM on May 31, 2008

Building furniture, though I've never had a woodcrafting class. (In my high school days, girls weren't allowed to take "shop," although my dad thought it should be allowed; his was a lone liberated voice in the chauvinistic Texas school system.)
Second dream: Building earth-friendly green communities. Not just homes, communities. (Hmm, that may not fall into your category of hobby/craft; ah, well....)
Third dream: Brilliant glass artist like Dale Chihuly
Fourth dream: Brilliant potter like George Ohr, the late, lamented "Mad Potter of Biloxi"
posted by Smalltown Girl at 9:41 PM on May 31, 2008

Building bicycle frames. I've been doing this as a hobby for a while now, and the idea that someone might pay me to potter in my shed all day is very appealing.

Second dream is to win the lottery, buy the abandoned pub in the next town and start a microbrewery. Maybe with a framebuilding shop out the back.
posted by tim_in_oz at 9:44 PM on May 31, 2008

Making sausages. Making ginger beer. Making ice cream (or Mexican fruit ices). Selling Jamaican goat or chicken mole or something else hot and tasty in paper cups. Letterpress printing. God, I love letterpress printing. Party planning / catering. Soup making. Soap making - esp. shaving creams. Bespoke tie making. Book binding. Photography. Running a weekend sports thing for uncoordinated geek kids who just want to have fun and couldn't care less about winning or teams. Writing. Freelance journalism. I've got great ideas for two games, but know nothing about coding. Personal trainer (yeah, right). Home energy auditor. Radio presenter.
posted by obiwanwasabi at 9:49 PM on May 31, 2008

Furniture Maker
Auto Mechanic
posted by iamabot at 9:50 PM on May 31, 2008

Welding - specifically brazing steel bicycle frames. I'd love to do it on the side as a hobby-job. As gas prices rise it's become sort of trendy hobby for some. It seems pretty easy to pick up, the cost of the equipment isn't super-outrageous, and I think it's something I could become good at (I love things that require an attention to detail...)

Master brewer - hey, what beer drinker doesn't think about this one?

Painter or illustrator of some sort - when I was a kid I drew all the time and I became pretty good. Sometime in middle school that talent was quashed. Ahhh... southern public education... where they punish you for being too creative. I've often thought about picking up some type painting, but my gut level aversion to artsy-fartsy types keeps me away for now.

Woodworking - Dad was always woodworking. He kept a neat shop, even sold some of the furniture he built on the side. Wood itself doesn't really do a lot for me - I think I'd have to get into exotic hard woods or something.

Furniture builder, upholsterer - I had a friend who would rescue neat sofas and chairs from the thrift store, recover them and sell them for a nice profit. She did this throughout college. Sewing is girly, but I really like nice fabric for some reason. Every and now and then I'm dragged along to a fabric store by some girl and it's always a secretly fun experience.

Bike shop owner - one of these days... one of these days...

Tavern owner - maybe in retirement? I'd love to run an old man bar for my friends.
posted by wfrgms at 9:54 PM on May 31, 2008

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