Neat uses of the mobile web by media outlets?
May 29, 2008 1:20 PM

What are some unique uses of the mobile web by television networks/individual shows, magazines and newspapers?

I'm (reluctantly) working on a research project about possible future uses of the mobile web, SMS and mobile audio/video by a TV show. The show focuses on political issues, entertainment and current events, not breaking news. For various reasons, I don't want to get too specific. However, I've never used the mobile web and don't see the appeal to this, so I'm kind of lost.

I know this is vague, but I'm looking for something beyond the standard list of links, video highlights and SMS alerts. After sifting through 25-30 news sites, I'm not finding a lot beyond that.

I have a fair amount of ideas about possible features already: episode guides and schedules, podcasts, video highlights and full episodes, customizable reminders, polls and occasional special promotions. However, they're all sort of .. meh.

If you use the internet on your cell phone/PDA/whatever, what media outlets (beyond breaking news sites) stand out to you? Why? What do you wish you could see? Bonus if anything is at least vaguely interactive. Feel free to mention features that aren't necessarily applicable to a TV show format.
posted by anonymous to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
What stands out to me (on an iphone)
RSS feeds. Sorry, not interactive. But all my sites with the 'newest' breaking info.

I do <3 that the mars lander writes twitter entries, but I won't let twitter near my cell.
posted by filmgeek at 4:26 PM on May 29, 2008

Several magazines are available on the iPhone.
posted by HotPatatta at 6:59 PM on May 29, 2008

I can barely figure out how to get pictures off my phone, but at some point in the future -- I assume it'll be easy to share video/photos from mobile phones.. and there will be call-in shows that just aggregate a bunch of mobile phone video submissions.

I think local TV news stations are already soliciting pictures and videos from mobile phones whenever there's an event that happens that they missed filming.. tho that's "breaking news" stuff... but presumably, any kind of video/photo submission could be used by various TV shows.. I can just imagine an "America's Funniest Mobile Phone Video" show -- where guys get hit in the crotch in real-time...
posted by mhh5 at 5:00 PM on June 16, 2008

Looks like rappers are looking for talent via cell phones...
posted by mhh5 at 1:55 PM on June 17, 2008

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