Need an hour of trippy video, stat!
May 26, 2008 1:44 PM

Help! I have five-ish hours to locate, download, and burn some source of psychedelic imagery/video for a friends' show in Seattle. Think Electric Sheep, only less screensaver, more burnable to dvd.

I'm looking for about an hour of trippy colors/shapes/textures to burn to a dvd, to be projected behind a live show. If I *have* to, I'll bring my laptop and run Electric Sheep on screensaver, but I'd like to eliminate the element of chance computer malfunction/lack of vga input/etc. etc. that happens at a live venue. Anyone know where I can download fairly hi-res trippiness on the quick?
posted by stenseng to Media & Arts (11 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
maybe some weird shit from
posted by tip120 at 1:53 PM on May 26, 2008

fractals make for pretty trippy images. maybe search google for some hi-res photos?
posted by alitorbati at 2:02 PM on May 26, 2008

This thread may be useful. I haven't tired of this yet. Koyaanisqatsi.
posted by phrontist at 2:04 PM on May 26, 2008

Electricsheep is just a series of short, randomly generated mpgs. You can either pull generated ones from you electricsheep cache directory or download a megapack and rip to DVD. *poof* instant trippyness.
posted by Cat Pie Hurts at 2:09 PM on May 26, 2008

Might be interesting if you can capture it.
posted by loiseau at 2:24 PM on May 26, 2008

Baraka, and there's a sequel to Koyaanisqatsi, although I don't remember the name.
posted by aeighty at 2:29 PM on May 26, 2008

I'm enjoying the video off of this recent thread.
posted by P.o.B. at 2:29 PM on May 26, 2008

aeighty: there's two sequels: Powwaqatsi and Naqoyqatsi.
posted by Cat Pie Hurts at 2:32 PM on May 26, 2008

As mentioned here:
posted by BlackLeotardFront at 2:44 PM on May 26, 2008

Gravitas, the universe in motion

It is a free bittorent download.
posted by gmarceau at 4:53 PM on May 26, 2008

Here are two Flash websites by one Larry Carlson: Hills are Alive and North Vale. I honestly don't know if this can be captured; but if you can, it's definitely trippy enough.
posted by Kronos_to_Earth at 5:31 PM on May 26, 2008

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