Ideas to get over being bored
May 22, 2008 3:17 PM

Time off between jobs; what are some fun things to do?

I have some time off and am already bored, what would you do with a day alone with nothing to do, interesting day trips(from Denver) in Colorado that are not popular (that their is a good chance i haven't done) but i can't take a "real" trip, things to do around the house (not maintenance or gardening).

Any ideas for things to do for the next week
posted by humanawho to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (13 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I don't know what Denver is like and if you're far away from the interesting parts of the city, but I live in a large canadian city and whenever I am bored at home, I get out of the house for a walk downtown. There are always unique sights and sounds to be catched in the streets if you look with the right pair of eyes.

I also enjoy catching movies in the theater in weekday afternoons by myself. If you're still bored, think that you could be at work at that very moment and appreciate your freedom.
posted by jchgf at 3:34 PM on May 22, 2008

Catch up with people you haven't seen in ages. Since you're not working, meet up for lunch somewhere near where they do. Different one every day :-)
posted by whatzit at 3:40 PM on May 22, 2008

You are right in the heart of one of the most beautiful places in this country. There are many, many places to go, all within a 1-2 hour drive of where you are. Motivation is the best way to relieve your boredom. Start a project, like how many of Colorado's "fourteeners" you can climb.
posted by netbros at 3:45 PM on May 22, 2008

buy a harmonica
posted by stubby phillips at 3:55 PM on May 22, 2008

bake a cake
posted by gyusan at 4:07 PM on May 22, 2008

Go to a bookstore, find a PostSecrets book and leave a secret in it.

Go to a coffee shop and anonymously pay $10 towards the three people behind you.

Walk down the street and anonymously put money into parking meters.

Watch a movie you're embarrassed to admit you like - in the nude. Watch the hot popcorn, please.

God, what I would do for a week of nothingness.....
posted by HeyAllie at 4:08 PM on May 22, 2008

a day alone with nothing to do

Sleep later than usual, but not so late that you miss the greater part of the day.

Upon awakening, stretch slowly but completely, extending each digit, each limb, as far as you can.

Take twelve slow, deep breaths.

Consider masturbating, but realize there will be plenty of time for that when you're employed again.

Get out of bed.

Do not get dressed.


Pad naked through the house (or apartment), opening curtains, shades, windows as you go.

Once in the kitchen, grind some beans and start the coffee maker percolating.

Take a shower. Make the water as hot as you can stand it, then as cold as you can stand it.

Wrap a towel around your waist and return to the kitchen.

Pour yourself some coffee and sit by the open window.

Drink the coffee slowly, savoring each sip.

Head back to your bedroom and get dressed. Wear loose, comfortable clothes. (Later, you'll be glad you did.)

Don't forget shoes.

Walk out your door. Is the weather nice? Keep walking.

Head to the end of the block and stop at the store on the corner.

Buy a pack of cigarettes and a newspaper.

Take a left and keep going for a couple of miles until you get to that neighborhood you always like the look of but never spent much time in.

The park's just over there; go sit on that bench in the shade, the one with the view.

Light a cigarette and read the paper.

When you've finished the cigarette, put it out and stuff the butt back in the pack.

Throw the pack away. That was your last cigarette. Cigarettes are disgusting.

Keep reading the paper until you are too disgusted by that story on page A8 (the one about what that kid's uncle did) to keep reading.

Get up and find a recycling bin; throw the paper into it.

Walk away and don't look back when that strange woman fishes it out of the recycling bin. You don't want to know what she's planning to do with it-- trust me.

Begin to head back the way you came, but don't go home-- go down the hill to the railroad tracks instead.

Walk along the tracks for as long as you can without seeing another person who's NOT inside some sort of machine.

When that one guy, the one in the hat, yells at you to get the hell off the tracks, just smile and wave and keep walking.

By the way, when that train comes through hauling all those grain cars, get the hell off the tracks. That's some dangerous shit right there.

When the chain link fences and graffiti finally give way to open fields (this will take an hour or two of walking, but trust me-- it's worth it), head back up the embankment.

Take your first left, and in about a quarter of a mile you'll see a little diner.

Go in and sit at the counter.

Order a burger, some onion rings, and a cup of coffee.

Eat the burger, but not the onion rings. The burger's delicious, but those onion rings are the crappy frozen Sysco ones and not worth the effort. You probably shouldn't even have ordered them.

For dessert, have a slice of pie. I know the apple pie is tempting, but it's not as good as it looks. The huckleberry is where it's at. Have a slice. Trust me.

Pay your check and tip-- well.

The waitress will thank you; she'll look like she should call you "honey," or maybe just "hon," but she won't. Don't take it personally-- she's a little tired and hungover today. Last night was quite a to-do.

As you walk out the door of the diner, a man in a strangely-cut suit will approach you.

He'll have an accent that makes it difficult to understand what he says, so LISTEN CAREFULLY.

He'll ask you for help with something. A simple-seeming task.

Help him.

This is important.

It may be the most important thing that's ever happened to you.

Your life will never be the same.
posted by dersins at 5:13 PM on May 22, 2008

Go explore the San Luis Valley: Valley View Hot Springs, Penitente Canyon, the UFO Watchtower, Salida, Arkansas River, etc. Though, there will be tourists at some of these.

Pick a random Colorado town that you haven't been to and spend the day exploring.

Interesting urban walks that you haven't done are good, too. Google will give you some. Bike ride around neighborhoods you haven't been to....get on one of Denver's great paths and just cruise.

Plan a meetup, it has been awhile.

Enjoy it!
posted by fieldtrip at 5:13 PM on May 22, 2008

Pay for a 1 month subscription to and start researching your family tree.
posted by metahawk at 5:34 PM on May 22, 2008

Macormicks Happy hour- for about $25 and a beer you can have a ten course meal.

Queen of Sheba- some of the best Ethiopian food around.

There are a couple of abandoned missile silos about an hour's drive out (sorry, I don't remember directions) grab some lights, bring a friend, and launch fireworks indoors.

Visit NORAD as a befuddled, slightly lost tourist (you are blessed with the gift of blarney, right?).

Go out to five points and get some real soul food (hey man, I like to eat).

Steamboat Springs is lovely this time of year (as well as Aspen and Colorado Springs).

Revisit the DAM (it's probably been a while since you've gone).

There is the Cumbres & Toltec railroad tour.

Visit the breweries.

Go out to LoDo and smile at all the folks going to work. Count your blessings that you aren't one of them today.

An Bang Buddhist Temple (even cooler when you find it while getting lost).

Lakeside (still home of one of the cooler rollercoasters).

Visit Pikes Peak.

Get lost in the People's Republic of Boulder.

Walk around Mantiou near midnight and try not to imagine the headless horseman coming at you from the shadows. Visit the magician's house (I forget, but it was in Manitou. Hand built from stones. It is one large optical illusion.).

Happy China Restaurant (order the Chombo, bask in the garlic overload, smoke a Pall Mall non-filter afterwards).

See what became of Starr-Kemp house in CS (I think the statues are downtown now). When I first went there, it was like I stepped into Oz.

Visit the Broadmoor.

The Pikes Peak Hillclimb should be starting about now (ever seen a semi with a huge wing on the back go around a curve sideways?).

The Libertarian convention ;)

Go fishing, camping; drive out to Kansas, take a dump and drive back (sorry).

Go to the Denver Public library, explain your plight, and I'm certain you will be overwhelmed with suggestions of stuff to do.
posted by quintessencesluglord at 7:06 PM on May 22, 2008

Oh, and the Air Force Academy.
posted by quintessencesluglord at 7:07 PM on May 22, 2008

Whatever you do you should Twitter it.
posted by doorsfan at 9:05 PM on May 22, 2008

In November 2005, when I had a few 'use-it or lose-it 'days of vacation burning a hole in my compensation, I did some quick research on cheap airplane flights and found that I could fly to Biloxi, Mississippi for a little more than $100. A friend of mine told me about a volunteer outfit that was assisting in relief efforts there in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

So, I spent my time off doing volunteer work. The memories from that were far more valuable and significant than any memories I have of bumming around the house.
posted by bl1nk at 10:32 AM on May 23, 2008

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