Best website for moderately-priced, interesting and stylish ladies shoes?
May 16, 2008 8:51 AM   Subscribe

Best website for moderately-priced, interesting and stylish ladies shoes?

I am looking for a website where I can buy shoes that are a bit more creative and interesting than what is normally available at malls in the US. I was in Spain last fall and really liked what I saw there at the shoe stores that were in the main shopping districts in Madrid and Barcelona, but I have had trouble locating physical stores in the US that offer anything as creative and interesting. Most things here now seem so plain and boring, especially boots! Price is important - I stick to the low-to-moderate price points. (I'm sure if I wanted to spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of shoes I'd have no trouble finding interesting styles!)

For what it's worth, I'm located in Boston, so if you know of any brick-and-mortar options, send them along. But I expect I will need to head to the web to find what I am looking for!

thanks for your suggestions. :)
posted by inatizzy to Shopping (10 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
yoox. it features most mid-range to high end designers that are well known, with a heavy emphasis on Italian designers (i believe their based in Milan). it's awesome, and they are currently running their biannual sample sale.

you can also try all the usual places like piperlime, 6pm, zappos etc.

one of my favorite brick and mortar places is in zapatos (90 Wareham St # 1, Boston, MA 02118. (617) 423-284). it's mostly remainders with lots of cheap stuff, so it's very hit or miss, but i usually find something good.
posted by buka at 9:18 AM on May 16, 2008

I like Fluevog. They're priced between $100-200 usually (but you can often find them on sale for much less), they're well-made, and they are definitely interesting. He usually does colors that are in line with current fashion trends, but his silhouettes and cuts are always different enough from the mainstream to be interesting while not being too completely crazy. There is a store in Boston at 302 Newbury Street.
posted by bedhead at 9:59 AM on May 16, 2008 [1 favorite]

I envy Spain and other European countries for their cheap and abundant shoe stores!

For cheap (<> Target, Payless, Delias, Old Navy, and Gap

Forever21 has started selling shoes, but I haven't bought any there. H&M has good shoes, but usually doesn't have many left. Maybe the new TopShop coming to NY will have shoes -- they have some great ones in the UK.

Rarely do I find anything interesting at places like Ross and TJMaxx. Nordstrom Rack is better, usually, since they have a better shoe department in general.

Online, piperlime is fun and more interesting than zappos.
posted by wsquared at 12:29 PM on May 16, 2008

That should read "for cheap (less than $50) and trendy shoes, I've had luck at:"
posted by wsquared at 12:33 PM on May 16, 2008

Irregular Choice is my favourite - look on eBay for bargains :)
posted by cardamine at 12:55 PM on May 16, 2008

I think online has been covered pretty well, but locally you might like Berk's. They're right off Harvard Square, have been there forever, and always have interesting and not-too crazy expensive stuff.
posted by dizziest at 2:27 PM on May 16, 2008

Best answer: Following up on that, I notice that their website kind of sucks. The store has always had more interesting and cheaper stuff than I see on their site right now, so it's probably still worth checking out. If not, the Indian restaurant across the street is pretty good, and is awesome.
posted by dizziest at 2:32 PM on May 16, 2008

Best answer: I've gotten shoes at, a brand called Matisse is not expensive but cute.

Office shoes are in the UK but will ship to the States.. but.. well, I guess shipping is a little pricey..

Olive shoes has some neat styles and good sales.
posted by citron at 6:58 PM on May 16, 2008

Also, if there's a Zara anywhere around (do they have them in Boston? they do in NYC and DC) they have some crazy shoes.. the larger sizes go first (I believe they restock shelves Wed or Thurs evening, so maybe stop in before the weekend shoppers arrive).. lots of funky styles.
posted by citron at 7:02 PM on May 16, 2008

I really love Zappo's. You might poke through the shoes listed in this cute shoe roundup to see if any of the linked stores meet your needs.
posted by shesbookish at 10:42 PM on May 16, 2008

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