Seattle-area Property Management?
May 13, 2008 7:13 PM   Subscribe

Seattle property management company recommendations?

Looking for recommendations for a Seattle-area property manager / management company. This would be for renting a single condo unit, not multiple properties or an entire multi-tenant building. Warnings and negative reviews would also be useful so I know who to avoid.
posted by kanuck to Work & Money (1 answer total)
I have had a good experience using Windermere so far. No warnings or negatives, other than they were a bit steep (10%) for the management fee. However, they have proven to be very reliable. This is in Kirkland, btw, and it is a house that I own and rent.

I get a statement every month. Everything is done via e-mail. If I need something done, I just send e-mail and it gets done. They do the background checks, the credit checks, show the house, do the advertising, etc.

If you want my specific persons contact info, send me MeFi mail.
posted by jeffamaphone at 7:20 PM on May 13, 2008

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