How do I sell a piece of medical equipment?
May 13, 2008 9:10 AM   Subscribe

How do I sell a piece of medical equipment to the chiropractic/wellness market?

I have a ST-8 Light Beam Generator made by Elf Labs that I want to sell. It was purchased and used by my (now deceased) wife while she was undergoing treatment for breast cancer. It is supposed to assist in removing blockage in the Lymphatic System.

I don't know if it is snake oil or not. It was one of many things tried to help my wife survive (you would be surprised at what you will do to try to save a loved ones life). I have found negative and positive opinions on the validity of this treatment but have spoken to one MD who says it is a valid therapy. It does concern me that the validity of the machine is questionable but it seems that there is a market for it, albeit an elusive one.

As far as I can tell it is used mostly by wellness centers, chiropractors, and possibly rheumatologists.

The problem I am having is finding how to sell the machine without loading it up and going door to door. I'm a pretty good researcher but haven't come up with any sites or message boards catering to this market.

I have seen a couple of these for sale on ebay but they didn't sell.

Any ideas?
posted by Slacktastic to Health & Fitness (5 answers total)
Doesn't really sound like something a chiropractor would be much interested in, however any Holistic Wellness Centers might be looking to have something like that (whether it works or not is probably not as key an issue as how believable it is to sell the therapy). Sorry if I sound like much of a cynic, don't want to come across that way. Anyway, most chiros I've been to only dealt with spinal issues and didn't really treat anything this device supposedly helps.

As opposed to going door to door it couldn't hurt to possibly call and explain your situation and just ask certain wellness centers if their in the market for getting something like this on the cheap. The lack of specific medical evidence to back up the claims of the device limit your possibilities to those markets that aren't interested in such studies.

Also, who sold it to you? Would they want to buy it back for a price?
posted by genial at 11:13 AM on May 13, 2008

their they're damnit, rookie mistake
posted by genial at 11:15 AM on May 13, 2008

If you're trying to sell it to a chiro, it won't matter to them if it works or not if you can convince them they'll make money off it.
posted by Jess the Mess at 6:59 PM on May 13, 2008 [1 favorite]

Do you still have the ST-8 for sale? I have a few questions about your light beam generator. I wanted to know if it is the one that uses the oxygen tank with the four head unit? How old is it? What kind of condition is it in? Does it have a case?
posted by massieclinic at 6:07 AM on May 24, 2008

Response by poster: I have contacted you at your profile email address, massieclinic.
posted by Slacktastic at 9:50 AM on May 27, 2008

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