Skype and run
May 13, 2008 7:55 AM   Subscribe

10 days ago I received a skype pop-up that my password had recently been changed and I should log in with my new password (I had not changed my password). I tried to recover my password and received :"Skype Name and email address entered do not match." What to do?

It seems that someone has gained access to my account. I have not given my password details to anyone or clicked on any stupid video links or anything of the sort. I have emailed skype 4 times but no response at all. My biggest concern is obviously the fact that Skype has my CC details for auto-renew so I have had to advise my bank that they should deny all skype charges and anything else that is out of the ordinary . My main concern though, is that now I am in limbo - I cannot cancel this account for peace of mind and it seems I cannot regain control of it.

Does anyone have any past experience in resolving this sort of thing? Would it help to at least ask my CC company to dispute the last skype charge and maybe get their attention that way? Technically I think at least a portion of that has been "stolen" from me since it is a prepaid amount.
I apologize for this rambling post but I am at a complete loss when dealing with a company that seems to have absolutely zero interest in resolving an obvious case of fraud.
posted by Umhlangan to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You emailed Skype, or you used this form (My Account > Username /Password)?

And yes, I would call my CC and tell them that any further charges from Skype can be considered CC fraud. They will tell you how to proceed on their end.
posted by B(oYo)BIES at 8:57 AM on May 13, 2008

Response by poster: I have used that form as well as emailed a fraud address I was given by a moderator on their forums. My question regarding the CC was whether it was worth disputing my last skype-out purchase since I have been unable to use the full amount that I have paid for and I assume someone else is now using the call time I purchased to make their own calls.
posted by Umhlangan at 2:29 PM on May 13, 2008

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