Did Ford change the Aerostar seat size?
May 2, 2008 9:01 AM   Subscribe

Will a 1997 Ford Aerostar third seat fit in a 1994 model?

I'm assuming so, but Ford did make a number of changes to the 1997 model. I'm close to buying one, but I don't want to waste a trip.

Any help would be appreciated...
posted by The Giant Squid to Travel & Transportation (1 answer total)
I would assume so, the only differences between the 94 and 97 are sheet metal, the structure is the same. Which seat type though? Some of the back bench seats had the ability to lay out into a bed, like a futon, and some were just plain bench seats. The quickest way is to call up your local ford dealer and talk to a parts rep.
posted by sanka at 9:31 AM on May 2, 2008

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