Lost magazine article
April 26, 2008 9:13 PM   Subscribe

I read an article in a women's magazine quite a few years ago where the singer kd Lang was being interviewed. In the article she mentions a state of mind where you embrace change (in general) and look for new experiences ... or something close to that. Not sure I have it completely right. I have searched the entire Internet, it seems, and can't find any reference.

I guess my last resort would be to attempt emailing Ms. Lang herself, she really seemed keen on this concept and it is something that has stuck with me for years. I am hoping someone here remembers reading that article or hearing about it.
posted by robinrs to Writing & Language (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: kalessin, it was kind of a made-up thing that she was talking about, like half-seriously saying she was going to start a movement.
posted by robinrs at 9:33 PM on April 26, 2008

Can you narrow down what magazines it might be? Are there a few you regularly or irregularly pick up, or was it totally random doctor's-office reading?
posted by loiseau at 9:36 PM on April 26, 2008

She's a Buddhist.

From an excerpt in the March issue of the Shambala Sun:
k.d. lang: Exactly. You can become pretty carried away, to the point where you feel you have to let go of your friends and your house and all sorts of things, and nothing can be integrated. It's total chaos. Then all of a sudden everything starts to integrate. At a certain point, Buddhist practice is so inseparable from everything you do that you start to live and breathe it. I suppose that's the gradual process of awakening—it's naturally incorporated into your very being. You don't even think that you're processing things in a "Buddhist way," particularly.
posted by rtha at 9:37 PM on April 26, 2008 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: It was a few years ago and I have always been all over the place in my reading. Could've been Jane, or even Vanity Fair, the New Yorker, a music mag... I just can't remember. For some reason I thought I remembered it being a women's magazine but maybe not. It was not related to her religion, but just sort of a way of looking at life. Argh! Well I was hoping someone here would have happened to read the same article years ago, it was a long shot I guess.
posted by robinrs at 9:42 PM on April 26, 2008

Well, from her perspective - and I don't know exactly how long she's been a Buddhist, but I know it's been some years - Buddhism isn't her religion, it is her way of looking at life. Buddhism is like that for a lot of practitioners, especially, though not exclusively, I believe, in the West. It's her philosophy of living, if you will.
posted by rtha at 9:49 PM on April 26, 2008

Response by poster: I hear ya, rtha. Maybe what she spoke of came from her Buddhism, but Buddhism wasn't mentioned as far as I know. What she talked about was something she was kind of making up as she spoke, it seemed. I am having a hard time explaining it right. As we speak I'm searching around the 'net too. If I find it I will come back here and link it.
posted by robinrs at 9:58 PM on April 26, 2008

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