Two-PC Setup
July 27, 2004 6:08 AM

What I have: two older PCs.
What I want to do: run some combination of Bugzilla, Subversion, MySQL, Trac and a few other apps that I'm testing from time to time.
What's the best way to set this all up in terms of what goes on which box? Also, any general advice or warnings on conflicts or problems I may come across would be greatly appreciated.

I've started setting up the boxes by installing Lycoris on them, but I'm having a hard time finding RPMs1 for it and Lycoris seems to be SCO-related, so I'm thinking of throwing Red Hat 9 on the boxes instead. Is that a Good Idea or does it not make a difference and I just don't understand how to find RPMs for a given distro2?

1. Should I just learn to compile from source now and get it out of the way?
2. A definite possibility.a

a. Too much David Foster Wallace in my current diet.

posted by yerfatma to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Put one PC in storage and install it all one the other one, I don't see any reason to install these things on different machines. As far as distros go, see the previous ask MeFi discussions or google, plenty of discussion. The RPMs for a specific distribution will be on the distribution CDs and/or the ftp site for that distribution. Also check out

Yes, you should learn to compile from source, however in most cases you'll be fine with the packages your distro or the software publisher give you.
posted by fvw at 6:33 AM on July 27, 2004

Finding rpms is generally as easy as going here. Or you can download from the program's homepage-- applications (from Sourceforge etc.) will have an rpm listed for you in their download list if you're using a major distro.

You'll certainly find rpms for nearly everything if you're using Red Hat. Red Hat is, however, the only distro that I couldn't get to finish installing on my current (old) linux machine. Of course, your grandmother may be different1, but Suse or Mandrake seem better for older machines.

1. inside joke
posted by Mayor Curley at 6:34 AM on July 27, 2004

I don't see any reason to install these things on different machines.

Should have been more clear: a co-worker recommended putting MySQL on one machine, Bugzilla on another for performance.
posted by yerfatma at 6:56 AM on July 27, 2004

Yes, if you intend to run bugtracking for say, ehm.. the openoffice suite then yes, I'd strong advise you to run the frontend and backend on different machines. However, if you're not sure if you should, you're either not going to be running a big enough bug tracking system for it to be necessary, or horribly underqualified for what you intend to do. Luckily for you, it sounds like the former.
posted by fvw at 7:09 AM on July 27, 2004

Put the production applications you will use on one machine. Put the software you will test on the other. It's bad hygene to test in production. You'll only need both machines for production purposes if you anticipate very high multiuser traffic, which it sounds like you don't.

That said, you're going to run into dependency and packaging problems with most of the RPM based distributions. Obviously, going with something Red Hat-branded will give you a wider variety of potentially more compatible RPMs to choose from, but the essential problem of RPM Hell won't go away until the people who package RPMs learn what the hell they're doing.

I, personally, would not want or recommend an RPM-flavored distribution, but I recognize that they're popular. Unfortunately, the popularity of RPM doesn't correlate very closely to quality. Some Other Distribution might be in order.
posted by majick at 8:14 AM on July 27, 2004

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