So - um, Brasilia - what to do, where to go over the next 10 days?
April 20, 2008 4:58 PM   Subscribe

So - um, Brasilia - what to do, where to go over the next 10 days?

You may remember me from such "Ask" posts as "What to do for a working week in Brussels".
Heh. So - now work has sent me to Brasilia for the next 10 days, including tomorrow. I am in the "hotel setor" - I've been to the TV tower - I could see the government buildings and was thinking of heading there to play "tourista" tomorrow.
Nightlife? Absolute, must-do restaurants? (I know all about Brasilian steakhouses... ;-) ) Is there anywhere I should avoid? Again - I am a crazy canuck and speak nothing other than English.
posted by jkaczor to Travel & Transportation around Brazil (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I went to São Paulo last year and have Brazil major cities travel info that recommends a restaurant in the residential area of Vila Planalto called Rosental. It's operated by the chef of the (now deceased) President Kubitschek (who founded Brasilia). Sounds cool.
One thing I didn't know about Brazil until I got there is that a lot of restaurants are pay-by-weight. They don't have those where I come from, so I was a bit confused as to the protocol when I went in thinking it was a buffet or pay-by-item or something.
For nightlife, Bar Brasilia is recommended since it's been voted best bar in town by Veja (a top magazine).
Also, I don't know if Brasilia is the same, but taxis in SP were really cheap compared to the US (don't know what fares are like in Canada).

Have fun! I really wanted to check out the cool architecture in Brasilia while I was in Brazil, but it was way too far for a day trip, haha.
posted by fructose at 6:10 PM on April 20, 2008

If you have a weekend, fly down to Foz Iguzau. OMG, that is an amazing amazing place, right where Argentina, Brasil and Paraguay border. Never saw a lovlier place. I stayed on the Brasil side in the national park and was thrilled. I hired a driver who spoke english at the airport and had him take me around for the weekend. It was wonderful.
posted by wildpetals at 9:41 PM on April 20, 2008

Best answer: If you're into steak you must eat at the Porcao restuarant. It's astonishing and delicious. While you sit at your table trolleys are wheeled round with different meats cooked on sword-skewers. There's also a fabulous buffet: very, very fresh and very varied. Be prepared to spend a decent amount of time there; a rushed meal would be unsatisfactory. When I went it was fixed-price, so eat all you like (maybe check fixed-price first). There are so many different things to eat that I suggest small portions.
posted by anadem at 9:44 PM on April 20, 2008

Best answer: The coolest bar with outdoor seating and food when I was there was called Beirut (pronounced beirutje). Can't find it with a casual googling but it was full of artists, musicians and long-time residents. A good way to get away from all the official/tourist concrete.
posted by Mngo at 10:10 PM on April 20, 2008

It's been a long time since I lived in Brasilia, so I can't offer specific restaurant recommendations (didn't eat out much while I was there anyway).

One thing worth checking out is this strange mystic cult encampment that's just outside Brasilia. Valley of the Dawn, I believe it's called. It's weird and interesting. It's basically a Jewish UFO cult. There may be tours, otherwise you'll need a rental car.
posted by jacquilynne at 8:25 AM on April 21, 2008

Response by poster: Went all over - heck, even managed to attend the anniversary festival!

It was fun, very nice people and amazing food. (Too much good food... sigh).

Then, for kicks drove (passenger) from Brasilia to Rio over 2 days... Roads? What roads...
posted by jkaczor at 3:04 PM on June 17, 2008

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