Best options for non-broadcast television and the internet?
April 20, 2008 10:46 AM

Rejoining the current century – best options for non-broadcast television and the internet?

Recently has a terrible case of poison ivy and wanted to work from home, but thanks to a combination of penny-pinching and laziness I got no internets at home and had to drag my oozing self into work for two itchy weeks.

To avoid this in future and watch Generation Kill in my own home – and because one hears my out-of-date tuners will grow legs and kill me in my sleep mid 2009 - something must be done.

Can I just pay someone $20 a month and slingbox all TV and have unlimited wireless everywhere on earth? Or is dealing with cable as horrible as it was a few years back when I moved and left it behind?

My local cable option is Comcast (formerly Warner Cable), and it looks like Harris County satellite could be limited to Direct TV and the Dish Network.

As long as I’m doing this, I’ll want the basic channels on at least 3 TVs so it would be best if I had something that would carry a solid signal on cable throughout the attic and maybe even out to the shed.

My current ISP, which has handled my email and some hosting for my entire adult life is okay with a dish.

On-demand programming, digital recording, and VOIP are not selling points for me.

I am open to either a internet/TV bundle, or to having different vendors for the TV and for the internet access.

Okay with connecting wires and boxes and splitters and and running cable through walls and basic box set-up/install. Not prepared for any custom programming or DIY with radio shack parts.
posted by Lesser Shrew to Technology (1 answer total)
My solution: an internet connection, HD broadcast (and a DVR) and movies and cable. I don't know if this could be split between three TVs, but it works on a laptop.
posted by Frank Grimes at 11:04 AM on April 20, 2008

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