March 26, 2008 6:32 AM

What tree is this?

These are the flowers which grow on it (they usually fall off every night and are strewn across the ground). Here's a close up of one of them. They have a nice and pleasant smell... something like Jasmine perhaps? Not sure, but if anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it!

Thanks a lot.
posted by hadjiboy to Home & Garden (7 answers total)
look like a plumeria? we have a few in our yard, but they don't loose their flowers every night. ours are only a few years old though. the smell is great.
posted by phoeniciansailor at 6:41 AM on March 26, 2008

Yep, that's definitely a plumeria tree, one of my favourite flowers to photograph.

More pics of them in my O699;ahu album.
posted by bwg at 6:47 AM on March 26, 2008

Oh, hey--thanks a lot! I've been driving myself nuts trying to figure out what that tree was.
posted by hadjiboy at 7:34 AM on March 26, 2008

Definitely plumeria. (Another common name is frangipani.)

In questions like this, by the way, saying where you're located makes all the difference. Plumeria can only grow in subtropical or tropical locations.
posted by purpleclover at 7:56 AM on March 26, 2008

I can't see the pictures, but maybe this site will help.
posted by ObscureReferenceMan at 7:58 AM on March 26, 2008

Definitely a frangipani.
posted by medium format at 6:55 PM on March 26, 2008


1. any of various tropical American deciduous shrubs or trees of the genus Plumeria, having milky sap and showy, fragrant, funnel-shaped, variously colored flowers. Also called temple tree.

2. a perfume prepared from or imitating the odor of the flower of a tropical American tree or shrub, Plumeria rubra, of the dogbane family.

posted by bwg at 5:25 AM on March 27, 2008

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