Cheerwine in DC?
March 14, 2008 4:42 PM   Subscribe

Is there anywhere I can get Cheerwine in the Washington, DC area?
posted by l33tpolicywonk to Food & Drink (15 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I've seen it at Wegmans in Sterling.
posted by candyland at 4:53 PM on March 14, 2008

I know there are Harris Teeters up there, have a look ... the ones down here in NC carry it.
posted by Daily Alice at 5:08 PM on March 14, 2008

At the cheerwine web site? Here's the link to the regular, here's the diet.
posted by stewiethegreat at 5:27 PM on March 14, 2008

Response by poster: stewie: I'm trying to avoid the ridiculous shipping costs of receiving a twelve-pack. This is why a store (metro distance, even?) would be best.
posted by l33tpolicywonk at 5:30 PM on March 14, 2008

I've found it at many of the gas stations along route 29 into Charlottesville, VA (look especially at Sheetz and Wawa stores) -- from about Culpepper on, you see it consistently, though I'll bet there's somewhere in Gainesville or Warrenton that carries it. Calling that "in the DC area" is a bit of a stretch... but I've driven further with a less valid reason.
posted by toxic at 5:40 PM on March 14, 2008

stewiethegreat -- out with it... who carries it in the Bay Area?
posted by toxic at 5:41 PM on March 14, 2008

Also (I think) at Wegmans in Farfax.
posted by apartment dweller at 8:54 PM on March 14, 2008

If you're just looking for a single bottle, the Cake Love bakery in Silver Spring carries it.
posted by Bulgaroktonos at 9:00 PM on March 14, 2008

Daily Alice -- Cheerwine availability is due almost exclusively to region, not chain or store. Harris Teeters have Cheeriwne *because* they are in NC, although I am actually a bit my experience chains tend to stick to national brands, whereas local stores will pick up regional brands. Thus I never saw Curry's Potato Chips (which are pretty good) until I popped into a local store; they are completely absent in the local Harris Teeters, Giants, and Krogers. In Cheerwine's case, possibly because it is a soft drink, I see it often in gas stations.

So, we have two factors: basically exists solely in NC, SC, and parts of VA; most likely to be found in gast stations or local (country) stores. I second toxic's suggestion. Make an excuse to travel southerly for a day, and pop into gas stations along the way. The Kroger in Charlottesville used to carry it (I believe that the Harris Teeter in Charlottesville does not carry it).

The Cheerwine bottling company is such a tongue tease. For years I have heard rumors hinting that they may push for nationwide distribution and bottling. No such luck.
posted by Deathalicious at 10:27 PM on March 14, 2008

Just FYI, I was part of a Cheerwine focus group a few months ago... they are indeed looking to make a national push. (I live in Richmond, VA.) Not sure when that will happen, but for those of you who love the red goodness, at least know that it's coming! :)
posted by uvaleg at 5:32 AM on March 15, 2008

Seconding the Wegmans in Sterling.

I work out there but live in DC, if getting out there isn't an option, I could pick some up for you.
posted by troika at 7:16 AM on March 15, 2008

I've had the same experience in trying to find Cheerwine's sister soda, SunDrop. Best bet is calling local distributors, but I've had good luck by just mentioning to people from the area that I'm on a search for my favorite soda and many times they also know it, love it and know where to get it.

Also, in my experience from living in NC, every major chain carried SunDrop and Cheerwine, even Walmart. I assume it just depends on your local bottling company and supplier. I could even get them in fountain form at many fast food restaurant.

Oh my gosh, if Cheerwine and SunDrop went national, my life would be so much better.
posted by bristolcat at 8:30 AM on March 15, 2008

Colorado kitchen in Brightwood sells it.
posted by destro at 8:49 AM on March 15, 2008

We posted a Chowhound request for help finding some in NYC about a year ago and got nothing helpful at all. You'll have better luck in D.C. though. I remember that we found some once at the Shoppers Food Warehouse outside Potomac Mills. Granted, this was at least eight years ago, so call first.
posted by NYCnosh at 11:07 AM on March 15, 2008

Thirding Wegmans in Sterling.
posted by pmbuko at 7:11 PM on March 15, 2008

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