How do you make penpals?
July 9, 2004 9:03 AM

How do you make penpals? (more inside)

I am living a real-life version of "Flowers For Algernon" for foreign languages-- my once-good German skills are eroding steadily to the point that they'll soon be useless. Unless I start using them again and work the rust out.

Is there a website where I can find someone to email with in another language? I've looked, and I'm finding mainly sites for Eastern European mail-order brides. While I find that idea intriguing, it would very probably cause a fight with my girlfriend.
posted by Mayor Curley to Human Relations (4 answers total)
Google's pen pals directory might be a good place to start. (I recommend prisoners.)
posted by ChasFile at 11:15 AM on July 9, 2004

If you belong to Orkut, they have communities there that are entirely in the German language that you could follow along with at your own convenience. You can also use to to email back and forth with members. If you need an Orkut invite, just email my profile.
posted by jessamyn at 1:20 PM on July 9, 2004

You could also try joining the Boston Public School system claiming to be an eight-year old with a pituitary problem. Or is this not just to meet chicks?
posted by yerfatma at 3:11 PM on July 9, 2004
posted by golo at 3:50 AM on July 10, 2004

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