How do I find sound clips?
February 26, 2008 10:03 PM   Subscribe

What's the best way to find short sound clips?

I've been looking for quite some time for two very brief sound clips my husband wants. One is the computer on Chicken Little saying, "You've got hate mail!" The other is Peter Griffin singing the Star Wars theme (I don't remember if this is from the Blue Harvest episode, a promo for that episode, or another episode entirely). Is there an easy way to get short sound bites using the DVDs? Or does anyone have a really good repository for short sound clips online? (I'd be happy to buy them if they sold funny-sound-clip ringtones or CDs).

Help me, AskMe, you're my only hope (of getting these for my hubby's laptop before he ships off to Kuwait in a month).
posted by Cricket to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Audio Hijack for Mac is good for ripping from DVDs (or any audio output by your computer). Googling "[your favorite movie/tv show here] wav" should also generate decent results. This is the #1 hit from Googling "movie wav".
posted by Brocktoon at 10:22 PM on February 26, 2008

Best answer: I'm headed to bed at the moment, but I have video copies of both moments you're looking for and I could easily produce some mp3s during the day tomorrow if you need.

If no one else figures something better out, mefi mail me and I'll hook you up.
posted by chudmonkey at 10:55 PM on February 26, 2008

Best answer: The Daily .WAV has a fantastic collection of these kind of clips (although sadly not the exact ones you are looking for.)
posted by rjt at 11:49 PM on February 26, 2008

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