How do I find copies of music posters, flyers, live recordings, from a specific Steely Dan concert from the 70’s?
January 31, 2008 2:45 PM

My Fathers birthday is coming up and I want to give him a piece of the past. How do I find copies of music posters, flyers, live recordings, from a specific Steely Dan concert from the 70’s? The concert is Steely Dan, the venue was Winterland in San Francisco, and the date was May 5th 1973.

My father is an amazing storyteller and very often talks about his first big concert. He remembers everything… enough in fact for me to figure out exactly what concert it was.

I have been scowering the internet for groups that collect and trade in that sort of thing so I can get either a copy of any of the publicity or an original. A live recording would also be great but I doubt technology allowed for people to sneak in and do that in the 70’s. I have had no luck in finding anyone who has anything though.

The concert is Steely Dan, the venue was Winterland in San Francisco, and the date was May 5th 1973. If anyone knows where I could find any memorabilia from this concert it would be amazing.
posted by elationfoundation to Media & Arts (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
There are some very nice Steely Dan boots from 1974 available at this blogspot site. No sign of the Winterland show, but the setlist on these 1974 boots might be similar.

The Steely Dan 2000-onward bootlegs on this site are of amazing quality, too - well worth your time.
posted by porn in the woods at 3:02 PM on January 31, 2008

I seem to recall Amoeba Records in Haight-Ashbury in SF has a pretty large selection of vintage concert posters. Unfortunately I don't live there anymore or else I would go check.
posted by PercussivePaul at 3:26 PM on January 31, 2008 specializes in exactly this sort of thing. They don't have this poster on their site, but you might try giving them a call. If they don't have it, they can probably point you in the right direction.
posted by jjg at 4:43 PM on January 31, 2008

percussivePaul... Thanks, sadly I have picked around ameoba and this show just was not on there radar.
posted by elationfoundation at 4:49 PM on January 31, 2008

In the same vein as jjg, could help...
posted by grateful at 11:23 AM on February 1, 2008

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