Would like Mac OS X versions of these Windows programs
January 20, 2008 10:52 PM   Subscribe

Are there any OS X equivalents to Windows-only Volumouse and Keynote (the note-taking software, not the presentation program)?

I just got a Macbook and it is True Love. But! I would really like to find OS X equivalents for these programs:

1) Volumouse - allows you to control your PC's volume using the scroll wheel. I had mine set to work when I hovered over the taskbar, the top of the screen, or over any titlebar. Is there any program, or maybe some secret Leopard function I haven't found yet, that could do this on my Mac?

2) Keynote - the notetaking software, mentioned in this previous post. I loved its simplicity and intuitiveness, and the ability to form trees and nodes.

Do any OS X versions or adequate substitutes exist? It would be awesome if they did, and even more awesome if they were free.

posted by estherbester to Computers & Internet (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I don't have a PC to actually try out Keynote, but from the screenshots it looks like possibly VoodooPad is something like what you're looking for. It kind of works like a personal wiki almost. I kind of got that feel from the Keynote screens.

If you're looking for absolute minimalist way to go, xPad works. Also, DEVONthink and Yojimbo are staples in the Mac notetaking world, so you might want to give them a whirl.
posted by joshrholloway at 11:11 PM on January 20, 2008

Best answer: There are tons of Mac notetaking/journaling type of programs, each with their own way of thinking. It's a very rich area of development by independent Mac developers it seems. (see here, including the comments.)

Mori looks the most like Keynote just from the screenshots with the tree-like representation. MacJournal can be used in a similar way. I believe version 2.6.1 (scroll down) is free. The current version is 5. Journler is similar and is donationware for personal users.
posted by derMax at 12:28 AM on January 21, 2008

I use Yojimbo, and I think it's great for what it is- fast, unobtrusive, easy to search. There are multiple quick interfaces for getting data you're working with (clipboard, current URL) into it. It's got tagging, but won't do the tree/node thing. Bonus: Webjimbo ($29) is a web-based front end to your Yojimbo database, allowing remote search/entry. DoublePlusBonus: Webjimbo has an iPhone interface.

I've recently started using OmniFocus ($80), which is more geared toward tasks (GTD, specifically, though it's not enforced) than notes, but does allow for hierarchical organization and is crazy customizable.
posted by mkultra at 7:18 AM on January 21, 2008

If you like OmniFocus -- but if the GTD structure is too, uh, structured -- try OmniOutliner. It's easily among my favorite Mac applications, and great for taking infinitely hierarchical notes.
posted by rdn at 8:03 AM on January 21, 2008

Response by poster: I think Mori was indeed the closest to KeyNote in terms of functionality, but wow, I'm pretty impressed by all the other suggestions - they go way beyond KeyNote in terms of features. Currently, I'm trying out Journler, but thanks to everyone for all the tips!

(I guess I'm SOL on the Volumouse?)
posted by estherbester at 8:08 PM on January 22, 2008

SteerMouse ($20) will get you most of the way there by allowing you to map whatever (more or less) you want to the scroll actions, including volume adjusting. It works on a Global or per-app basis, but won't do any funky title-bar-focused hoo ha.

I use it, and while it's aggravating that the daemon keeps losing its connection to my Logitech MX, it's still a better driver than Logitech's POS "Control Center".
posted by mkultra at 9:11 PM on January 22, 2008

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