Buy & Learn Guitar
January 7, 2008 1:15 AM   Subscribe

I've decided to start taking guitar lessons. Where should I buy my guitar? Know any good instructors? I'm in San Francisco.

I don't know much about guitars, and I'm looking for a guitar store in San Francisco with a knowledgeable staff that actually cares, instead of just trying to make sales.

I'm buying a classical guitar.

I'm also looking for a good, non-expensive guitar instructor with experience in the classical and folk genres. I work normal hours so I'm looking for evening and weekend classes.

Please give me your recommendations.

I live at Civic Center, and I get around on a bike, so location is important.
posted by BeaverTerror to Media & Arts (8 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I don't live in San Francisco, but I do play guitar and I looked around a little for you. Hopefully you'll get some locals to chime in but otherwise you can take my advice with a grain of salt or two.

I found a place called Guitar Solo not too far from you, looks like it's about a quarter mile eastish of your neighborhood on Townsend. Their site shows a pretty deep list of quality instruments, especially classical guitars (they even carry their own brand of custom-wound classical strings -- a good sign in my opinion). They look to have a broad range from expensive guitars to cheaper Yamaha models. Site also says they can provide an updated list of local guitar tutors and I'd imagine they could recommend one to you based on your requirements.

Now I have no personal experience with the store, but from my little 5 minute investigation I'd say they warrant a closer look. :)
posted by empyrean at 1:28 AM on January 7, 2008

Oops. Forgot to post their site for you, although they're easy enough to find through google.
posted by empyrean at 1:29 AM on January 7, 2008

The Fifth String is in Berkeley, but it's across the street from Ashby BART making it an easy ride from Civic Center. Good people, good selection. I'll probably by my next guitar there.
posted by wemayfreeze at 2:31 AM on January 7, 2008

Slightly chessey, but here is my take. Ever seen the movie Sleepless in Seattle? Where Tom Hanks is talking about the first time he took his wife's hand to help her out of the car and it was just magic? That is how you should feel about your new guitar when you pick it up. Go to a store. Pick them all up. Honestly it shouldn't matter what you know, although learning one cord first would help. It won't always be the same for every person but you will feel it. The guitar will feel "good" to you. Price won't matter.
posted by Silvertree at 5:38 AM on January 7, 2008

I think Silvertree is sort of right.

I'd borrow a guitar if at all possible (or rent perhaps if you get lessons through a shop?). You're going to want to learn a few chords and just get comfortable with how you are going to hold a guitar before you really go out there and be able to judge the action of a guitar before you spend any decent amount of cash on a guitar.

That being said if you find a decent deal on craigslist (usually craigslist with a google search will give you a decent idea of what you're in for) go for it, you really can play any guitar.

Note when you say classical and folk in my mind that indicates to separate types of guitars. Spanish classical is usually played finger style on nylon string guitars, folk (at least in my mind) is usually picked on steel strings. Usually I'd go for steel string and a pick for a beginner, it will get you going faster.

Sorry It's been a long time since I had to get lessons but its not a bad bet to go find a decent local shop and ask around.
posted by bitdamaged at 9:12 AM on January 7, 2008

Stop in at Noe Valley Music over on 24th Street around Sanchez, I believe. It's a low key local shop that sells and repairs instruments and offers lessons if I'm not mistaken.
posted by jasper411 at 10:26 AM on January 7, 2008

I'm very happy with the guitar (spruce cutaway) I got from but it's a bit spendy for newbies like us. A guitar expert here at work recommends spending ~$600 from Guitar Showcase.

My fried who did the classical program at Cal State Northridge highly recommends Guitar Solo in SF.
posted by panamax at 11:59 AM on January 7, 2008

Response by poster: Here's an update from the original poster:

I ended up buying my guitar from Guitar Solo, near the AT&T Stadium on Townsend St, between 3rd and 4th, west side of the road.

Staff is knowledgeable and helpful.

I bought a low end Yamaha CG111C for $300. I could have bought the same guitar for 70 dollars cheaper from a number of online stores, but I suppose shipping would have been expensive, and you can't really buy a guitar without seeing it.

I also bought a gig bag for around $35, and a method book for $12.

Guitar Solo has a list of teachers, but none of them were close to me. I ended up finding someone on Craigslist. He's not great, but he only charges $20 an hour, and he's a good guy.

I'm leaving town permanently in 3 months anyway, so whatever...
posted by BeaverTerror at 4:44 AM on January 26, 2008

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