Followup Question: Getting popped Yahoo mails back into email account
December 18, 2007 9:47 PM

As a follow up to this question, can I use the following scheme to get all my popped emails back into my Yahoo account?

If I create a new Gmail account, set it to forward all 'new' incoming mail to an existing Yahoo email (the one that I had downloaded all the emails via POP in the first place), mark all my popped emails as unread in ThunderBird, and upload them into my new Gmail account via IMAP, will they be treated as 'new emails' and hence forwarded to my Yahoo account?

I tried to use one of the suggestions given in response to my previous question, but I think Gmail requires SSL which the 'Add an External Mail Account' of Yahoo doesn't support at the moment.
posted by sk381 to Computers & Internet
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