Working mouse suddenly not working...
November 9, 2007 2:51 PM   Subscribe

So I just got myself a 3M ergonomic mouse yesterday. Plugged it in, worked fine, no drivers required. Now today, it's not working so good.

Started the computer today, the mouse was working fine for a few hours. Suddenly, it just stopped responding - after unplugging it and plugging it in again, it started working. Then a bit later...kaput. Now Windows won't recognize the device. When I unplug it and re-plug it in, it usually won't recognize it. Sometimes it does, and works for 30-90 minutes, then stops working again. Any insight? I'm using the USB port, but USB vs. PS2 doesn't seem to matter.
posted by gnutron to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Sounds like it's faulty. Take it back.
posted by Steven C. Den Beste at 2:59 PM on November 9, 2007

Unplug it, plug it back in. If that doesn't fix it, follow SCDB's suggestion and return it.
posted by quin at 5:43 PM on November 9, 2007

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