Help me find this and purge my brain
November 8, 2007 1:06 PM

In the 70s/80s I saw a soft core porn movie as a second feature at a movie whose title I can't remember.

The only reason I have sketchy memories of it at all was because it seemed to be based loosely on the Wiz of Oz. It had something to do with a groupie desperately trying to get to The City for some big show. (IIRC, mind you.) I want to rewatch it and see if my teenage memories are remotely right.

Any help from those of you whose hobby is to be knowlegable about porn? (I used to know a few personally, so I know you're out there.)

Feel free to email me if you're uncomfy posting here.

Thanks in advance for all and any help!
posted by Meep! Eek! to Media & Arts (6 answers total)
This seems more campy than porny, but Oz, from 1976 Aus?
posted by iconomy at 1:24 PM on November 8, 2007

Are you sure this wasn't The Wiz?
posted by Cool Papa Bell at 2:36 PM on November 8, 2007

You can try looking at the IMDB movie connections page for Wizard of Oz, looking in the relevant years, to see if any of those titles ring a bell. (IMDB does have porn titles but you might have to change something in your settings to see them; not sure about this)
posted by LobsterMitten at 4:27 PM on November 8, 2007

I hate to ask ... but was there a talking bong in there somewhere?
posted by bhance at 4:56 PM on November 8, 2007

Okay, iconomy, that's impressive. I searched IMDB, I googled, and I didn't get that one.

Papa: Not the Wiz, I remember that one because it had Diana Ross.

LobsterMitten: Thanks. Didn't even think of that. That will come in handy in the future. I have a memory like a sieve.

Bhance: Not sure, my memories are fuzzy. I do seem to remember a stop-and-get-gas-and-get-sexually-assaulted theme, but I don't remember their being a talking bong in that scene. ;)

Thanks, people. Now my brain can fixate on some other nonsense instead of this.
posted by Meep! Eek! at 10:59 PM on November 8, 2007

It does sound like 'Oz', which has some nudity and sex scenes and also a general soft-porn feel about the way it's shot. Dorothy is a groupie who hitchhikes to the big city to go see The Wizard in concert; she gets picked up by a surfie (the scarecrow) and then they meet up with a mechanic (the Tin Man) who pumps petrol for them. The cowardly lion is a bikie, Glinda the Good Fairy is a campy gay, and the Wicked Witch is a (male) truckie who abducts Dorothy and attempts to sexually assault her. Does any of that sound familiar?
posted by andraste at 11:17 PM on November 8, 2007

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