How to find out about art shows in San Francisco?
November 4, 2007 6:05 PM   Subscribe

Where are the best places/sites/calendars/listings/oracles to find out about art shows in San Francisco?

I'm an out of town painter heading up to San Francisco next week for my first SF solo art show! I know the gallery has a presence in the city, but just wanted to make sure I did all I could to properly list my art show in SF.

I've already contacted or listed on SFist,,, craigslist, the squid list,,, juxtapoz, fecal face, myspace,...

Any other recommendations?
Feeling kinda helpless and last minutey and nervous.
posted by boygirlparty to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Sounds like you have it covered! Your gallery will be sending out calendar listings to the local papers also. Send a marketing packet to the local art reviewers at the SF Chronicle and the Oakland Tribune and the freebie weeklies. A marketing packet will include a press release, any press clippings you have from previous shows, examples of your work (postcards are good for this) and some catchy one page or less blurb about why they should come by and check out your show. Send it US Mail and also via email with a link to your home page if you have one. A mailed packet is nice because it is something tangible on their desk for them to consider. I have done this in the past and sometimes it doesn't result in instant coverage but coverage at some later time. You have nothing to lose. If you aren't a good writer, have someone help you with the press release. Good luck at your show!
posted by 45moore45 at 6:19 PM on November 4, 2007

here is the secret you don't know: everyone in san francisco is already a fan of yours. also, rena mentioned it on the rare device blog. it'll be fun! you'll have a great time. yay!
posted by judith at 6:51 PM on November 4, 2007

Awww, your stuff is great! (I may have to stop in to pick up a version of that hedgehog playing the piano.) And Giant Robot already has a huge following itself. I'm sure it'll be a great success! Good luck!
posted by lannanh at 8:37 PM on November 4, 2007

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