keepmyfingersfromfallingofffilter (and looking stylin while doing so)
November 1, 2007 5:40 PM   Subscribe

Where to find cool fingerless gloves?

Ok, so this is what I am having trouble finding: fingerless, warm at least minorly cool looking, grey (or dark grey) gloves.
It is also important that I am able to purchase (or have them shipped to) Canada.
My hands are always cold, but I really don't want to sacrifice my manual dexterity.
I've had a look at sailing and biking gloves, but they are either too stiff or not insulated.
And yes, I have read previous posts. There were surprisingly few relevant solutions provided. Thanks in advance guys.
posted by Ctrl_Alt_ep to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (19 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Know anybody who can knit? I've made these for myself and my husband. (The Cigar Gloves are pretty neat too.) I'd knit you a pair myself, but I'm a bit swamped with other projects right now...
posted by web-goddess at 5:47 PM on November 1, 2007

Urban Outfitters has a few. If that link doesn't work, navigate to Men's > Accessories > Gloves, Scarves & Hats. (I don't think there's any in Women's, but the intended gender doesn't much matter.)
posted by Sfving at 5:53 PM on November 1, 2007

Here are some at REI.
posted by matildaben at 6:01 PM on November 1, 2007

I got my plain grey wool ones at a US Army surplus store.
posted by ilyanassa at 6:04 PM on November 1, 2007

Response by poster: Looks like I am missing a key point. I would really prefer non-knit stuff. I have knit gloves that I like, but find anything knit too bulky, as I have really skinny fingers.
posted by Ctrl_Alt_ep at 6:04 PM on November 1, 2007

Is fleece okay? Because if it is, almost any outdoor retailer (REI, Campmor, Sierra Trading Post, Patagonia, etc.) will have what you're looking for.
posted by box at 6:18 PM on November 1, 2007

Try the Hot Topic web site.
posted by infinityjinx at 6:26 PM on November 1, 2007

I've used Handeze lycra gloves to help my RSI, in part, by keeping my hands warmer.

You can decide for yourself if they suit your style.
posted by Good Brain at 6:45 PM on November 1, 2007

Seconding Handeze. I have Raynaud's Syndrome, so even if the rest of my body is warm, my hands (and feet) go numb at the slightest cool breeze. I was comfy in the office air conditioning, but could barely type because my fingers were so stiff. I tried a variety of fingerless gloves, but Handeze worked the best, and weren't so tight or binding that they hindered my already poor circulation.
posted by Oriole Adams at 7:15 PM on November 1, 2007

You might check out places that stock fly fishing supplies. I got mine at a store called backwoods that seem to be what you are looking for.
posted by jlowen at 7:23 PM on November 1, 2007

Best answer: I have several solutions; first, my wife gets really cold hands when she works at her computer. Her solution was to go out and get some cheap felt gloves (grey, in fact) and cut the fingers out. It worked great and I think she spent $5 or so.

Alternatively, I've needed something similar when shooting (both cameras and guns) outside in fall and winter, and my solution was to go with something really form fitting, like a golf glove, or a purpose built police/ military glove with the index finger and thumb cut out.

There are also gloves like this, which because they are designed for fast-roping/ rappelling are probably a bit better made than other cheap fingerless gloves.
posted by quin at 7:26 PM on November 1, 2007

Sounds like a DYI to me. Try Old Navy's felty nylon Xmas sets (warmer than they look and decently water resistant) or a thick as you want pair of women's gardening gloves, and snip off the fingers. Add some decor with a little embroidery, or glue on jewels or patches, and you're hip.
posted by beezy at 7:31 PM on November 1, 2007 i don't sell on it but there are always tons of homemade fingerless gloves.
posted by micawber at 7:49 PM on November 1, 2007 has a really cool pair of fingerless gloves. Check it out.
posted by mustcatchmooseandsquirrel at 8:30 PM on November 1, 2007

Response by poster: This isn't completely relevant, but it is interesting that some people assumed that I was female, solely based on the fact that I want cool gloves. Well, I assure you that I am a guy. And straight too (cause I assume that would have an effect on my taste in gloves).
Thanks for all of the posts, I'm much closer to finding what I'm looking for.
posted by Ctrl_Alt_ep at 8:58 PM on November 1, 2007

Actually, Ctrl_Alt_ep, I didn't assume you were female. There was no gender listed in your profile, so I tried to cover all possibilities.

And no, sexual orientation does not change one's taste in gloves.
posted by Sfving at 10:02 PM on November 1, 2007

Looks like you've already got some good ideas, but for super cheap and comfy fingerless gloves, my favorite method is to buy those small, cheap stretchy gloves they sell at drugstores for about a dollar, and cut off the fingers. I know they are technically knit gloves, but those things are very thin and close-fitting without being at all bulky, and are usually surprisingly warm, and let your hands breathe. And they also sell them in a fingerless version with finished edges, if you want to avoid the eventual unravelling hobo look, but for about ten times more money.
posted by catatethebird at 10:23 PM on November 1, 2007

Best answer: I've lbeen tempted by these "carpenter's gloves" with just the thumbtip and two first fingers cut out. I haven't tried them myself and can't say how stiff they are, but the description says they're "made to fit closely for maximum dexterity."
posted by contraption at 12:43 AM on November 2, 2007

contraption's gloves are also available at Lee Valley (13 shops across Canada as well as online). You can go in the shop and try them on at least.
posted by saucysault at 11:02 AM on November 2, 2007

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