I'm a cyberspace commuter?
September 26, 2007 8:54 PM

Here we go again: partial lyric, name the song. The phrase "I'm a cyberspace commuter" is repeated several times. The chorus goes something like "ooh-ooh then I see you smile, and everything's fine... Ooh-ooh then I look at the sky and I see the sun shine"

The ridiculous thing is it is somewhere in my iTunes playlist. Somewhere among those thousands of songs. I made a bunch of comps by trolling around for songs that struck my fancy but I didn't recognize and couldn't remember where I'd got them. Then I unthinkingly deleted the playlist. Bits of lyrical clues and googling has found me most of the ones I couldn't figure out, but this one is stuck in my head and I can't find it anywhere.
posted by nanojath to Media & Arts (9 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Coldplay - Daylight ? Or an amalgamation of Coldplay songs?
The cyberspace commuter bit doesn't fit in though.
posted by sian at 9:26 PM on September 26, 2007

Definitely not that, sian. Thanks for trying though.
posted by nanojath at 9:34 PM on September 26, 2007

I figured as much! But I'm keeping an eye on this because somehow it's ringing a bell and driving me nuts. Male singer? Female? New, old? What style music?
posted by sian at 9:36 PM on September 26, 2007

Male singer. Possibly a UK accent but that's not really clear. It's sort of in the alternative/pop genre, and strikes me as newer, like 90's or later, perhaps current... I'm having trouble describing it which is partly why I led with the most memorable lyrical hooks that stood out. There's a distinct difference between the style of the verses and the chorus (the latter being the part with "I see you smile, and everything's fine"). The verses have more of a low-fi, distorted sound, and a faster rhythm. The chorus is slower, more lyrical and atmospheric. I'm not very good at this. If nobody recognizes it, sian, I can rip it back off the comp I made, and email you the track. At the moment it's out in the car and too much hassle at nearly midnight, my time, so unless someone turns up with the answer within the next ten minutes I'll check back in tomorrow.
posted by nanojath at 9:54 PM on September 26, 2007

can I have a copy, too? Sounds fascinating....
posted by tristanshout at 12:26 AM on September 27, 2007

Bad English "When I see you smile"?
posted by jdfan at 2:57 AM on September 27, 2007

Well, I found it through alternate means of inquiry - I'm not surprised it didn't get recognized, it's fairly obscure. Listening to the lyrics more carefully it's all a little bit too apropos for the Metafilter addict.

The song is "Buckled" by one-man-band "Lost Idol."

You can hear it online here and ponder what a lousy job I did of describing it. Label site here.
posted by nanojath at 10:50 AM on September 27, 2007

The unanswered question is how I got it in the first place. I suspect that the label was one of those who accepted the now-defunct Bitpass micropayment system, which I was a beta purchase tester for (before they quietly demolished my small payment account with sneakily-added new "fees" for shit like "account inactivity" and then went belly-up, those fuckers... I hassled them by email until they gave me my seven dollars back...). I picked up a bunch of weird stuff through that.
posted by nanojath at 10:54 AM on September 27, 2007

You can buy an unfortunately overpriced MP3 here. Given it can be had legally, I'll refrain from distributing the MP3.
posted by nanojath at 11:03 AM on September 27, 2007

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