lights, camera.... rental!
August 31, 2007 3:55 PM

indiefilmfilter: recommend a good place to rent film equipment next week in toronto?

i've been asked to help some filmmakin' pals find the following equipment for rent. i'd really appreciate advice. leads on individual people who might own and wanna rent some of this stuff would be kickin'. the company can definitely put good damage deposits down, but would appreciate a lil break on the rental price if possible!

- BASIC LIGHT KIT - suggested a kit of 650's or a 650, a 400 and an inki 150, tungsten jokers, pocket par or what is available to our budget

- Stinger 2

- lens tissue

- wide angle lentilla if available

- Friendly carrying kit, not pelicans or unpractical heavy bags
(it's a very mobile shoot, so advice on what kind of kit to look for would ROCK!)

- video flash light to shoot at night

- c54's

- diffusion filter for the light (1)

- external microphones for the on-street interviews (3 lavs, 1 handheld, small boom)

thanks in advance for any advice!
also, they're looking to talk to some solid indie filmmakers, so if you have leads on shooters we can profile, drop me a line and i'll email you.
posted by twistofrhyme to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
you could try lift, they've rented to non-members before. complete would hook you up, not certain if they're still around since i haven't heard from them in a while. trew audio are indie-friendly.
posted by psychoticreaction at 6:08 PM on September 2, 2007

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