Invisible iPod!
August 16, 2007 10:55 AM

My friend's 1GB iPod Nano is recognized in iTunes, but only kind-of...

When the iPod is plugged into a computer (multiple computers, I've checked), Windows recognizes it, and shows it My Computer, but iTunes will not display it in the device list.

When I used iTunes' diagnostics, it says that it detects an iPod connected, and when I completely formatted the thing, iTunes detected it, restored it from scratch, and then? Poof, it's gone again. I delved into Google, Yahoo, and Apple's forums, but can't find any similar situations.

I've done all the boilerplate multiple times, on multiple computers, and I hate to relegate a device that's just over a year old to the trash heap. Any thoughts?
posted by potch to Technology (1 answer total)
Maybe your iPod is originally Mac formatted, so you have your problem, format in Windows and it appears, then you restore the Mac-ness from the scratch restore and now it can't be seen.
posted by rhizome at 1:13 PM on August 16, 2007

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