A theme for wordpress and google maps mashup?
August 12, 2007 3:18 PM   Subscribe

I'm starting a new tourism website for my local area. It's a mash of google maps, with photos and information of a given area featuring some of the neat stuff happening, or that has happened. And now I need some help with the wordpress theme.

I'm using Wordpress to manage my stories and some of the photo linking, and I have most of the google-maps configuration for the pop-up photo galleries done. What I need is a nice two or three column layout for the google map on one side, a narrower column on the right for the wordpress content, and possibly a third on the far right (or far left) for a text ad column.

I am pretty new to css and wordpress, but I can do html, and I worked my way through the javascript for the google map. What should I look for in a wordpress theme, where do I look or should I customize one from somewhere else.

I'm sorry this is sort of broad, but I'm looking for someone to point me in a direction, not necessarily solve the problem for me. I've googled and found many resources for google map plugins and google map tools in general, but no themes that can display a big block of google map and my blog.

Help please hive-mind!
posted by sethwoodworth to Technology (2 answers total)
Here's a huge (980+) list of free wordpress themes categorized by two and three column layouts.
posted by nitsuj at 3:45 PM on August 12, 2007

Cutline 3 column Right should fit the bill.

Cutline Theme

I am going to be switching to the 3 col split soon.
posted by imjosh at 5:02 PM on August 12, 2007

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