Best Lip Plumpers
August 3, 2007 9:09 AM   Subscribe

What are the best lip "plumpers"?

I understand that I will never get lips like Angelina using a $15 gloss. Nevertheless, I love lip glosses that promise plumping effects. The more they sting and burn, the more I love them. So let me have it right in the kisser, folks- what are your favorites? Homemade concoctions, treatments, exercises for bigger lips are also acceptable.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (14 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Lip Venom.
posted by teleri025 at 9:45 AM on August 3, 2007

There's a brand called Naked Kiss that's pretty good. I got a few of their "Plump and Polish" glosses for free and I like them despite normally hating 'plumping' products. They are quite tingly!
posted by SassHat at 10:00 AM on August 3, 2007

Lip Venom is really nothing more than cinnamon oil with some glitter and color mixed in. Homebrewed solution? Try making your own lip balm (instructions from not martha here) and just add pure cinnamon oil (typically available at baking supply stores, groceries, and even CVS) instead of cocoa oil.
posted by banannafish at 10:05 AM on August 3, 2007 [1 favorite]

Jane makes a plumping gloss that works just as well as Lip Venom, which is to say: only sort of. But it's only three or four bucks a tube. I found it at Walgreens.
posted by padraigin at 10:11 AM on August 3, 2007

I ended up with a plumper lower lip after I got a bad pimple under the center of my lower lip. It pulled my lip down when it healed. I think it doesn't match my upper lip very well, but no one else notices. I can't say I would recommend this technique.
posted by yohko at 10:52 AM on August 3, 2007

I use Sovage Lip Plumper. It doesn't last wildly long, but it's a nice look to walk into the restaurant with. You don't want to get it on the skin around your lips (probably true for all lip plumpers). This is the only brand I've ever tried, so I can't compare to anything else.
posted by iguanapolitico at 11:33 AM on August 3, 2007

I love Lip Fusion, I think it actually works. They also have an XL version, which might give you more burney goodness, although I've never tried it. A couple of months ago I got a sample of Too Faced Lip Injection, and applied it: stingy, plumpy, etc. I got in the shower a few minutes later and washed my face and ended up with enormous red welts all over my face spreading out from my mouth. Whether it's extra potent, or if you just shouldn't wash lip plumpers onto your face I don't know, but beware! Maybe try it out at Sephora if you dare!
posted by robinpME at 11:35 AM on August 3, 2007

I'll second the Lip Fusion suggestion. I do actually notice a difference, when I can remember to use it.
posted by Evangeline at 1:15 PM on August 3, 2007

I like this site for makeup reviews. You have to set up an account, but it's easy.
posted by Evangeline at 1:48 PM on August 3, 2007

There is a lip volumizer that I found at a Health Food store I worked at years ago. It was in the same container as a chapstick applicator, but it was white. I am sorry that I forgot the brand, but my suggestion is to go to your nearest Health Food store, to the beauty aisle. I am against commercial lip volumizers not only because of the animal testing and animal fat in the actual content, but I have found that they do not work.
posted by dnthomps at 7:33 PM on August 3, 2007

I have used Lip Venom; (super sting-y, doesn't actually do any real plumping); City Lips, which is a nighttime treatment that definitely plumped, though I don't remember if it stung or not; and Lip Fusion, which stings somewhat and definitely plumps. I think the City Lips was most effective, as long as I remembered to put it on every night. I've also been pleased with Voliptuous plumping serum, but it doesn't sting at all. I cheat and use it under my eyes as well.
posted by oneirodynia at 10:24 PM on August 3, 2007

I've tried various samples of lip plumping gloss treatments. City Lips was by far the best (the clear nighttime treatment version; it does not sting). This may just be me but I've found that if I use a good dollop of a really moisturizing lip balm (I like Rosebud Salve) and have a good nights rest, my lips get the same sort of plumpness that I've gotten from using the specific lip treatments.
posted by zippity at 11:00 PM on August 3, 2007

Well my trick is I get him to not shave for a few days then I rub them all over his chin ;-)

Just saying there are non-cosmetic alternatives I think you might explore.
posted by Wilder at 12:56 AM on August 4, 2007

I use a toothbrush or a wet washcloth and rub it over my lips. Then I put on either Lip Venom or C.O. Bigelow's Mentha lip shine in vanilla soda. The Mentha Lip Shine is kinda the same as the Lip Venom, but it's very very VERY minty instead. My lips stay plump forever with either of those on if I do the toothbrush trick. The only bad part - it's too sticky for Date Nights with the future Mr DamnJezebel.
posted by damnjezebel at 2:42 PM on August 4, 2007

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