How can I integrate Google Docs to Microsoft Word 2007?
August 2, 2007 6:51 PM   Subscribe

How can I integrate Google Docs to Microsoft Word 2007?

I love Google Docs...and I love Word 2007....the problem is, I cant integrate them to work together! Zoho has a plugin that does this, but I use Google Docs primarily as my Office 2.0 suite. Is there a way that I can work on Google Docs from Microsoft Word?
posted by enriquem to Technology (2 answers total)
You have the ability within Google Documents to export to a variety of file formats. I know that .doc and .rtf are two of those options, and I would imagine that Word 2007 supports them. Have you tried that?
posted by scooterdman at 8:50 PM on August 2, 2007

It works fine for me... You can't open Google Docs files on Word or visa versa? If it's visa versa, make sure you save the Word files as .doc and not .docx.
posted by daninnj at 9:36 PM on August 2, 2007

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