Test harness for SNMP traps?
July 30, 2007 5:13 PM   Subscribe

Is there a freeware or light weight tool (e.g. perl script) we can use to show us that the SNMP traps are received successfully?

I'm implementing IBM Tivoli Omegamon XE for Messages within a Windows 2003 environment. One of our challenges is to integrate with other monitoring tools already within the environment, we've chosen to send SNMP traps. While we appear to be sending these traps successfully, the consuming application isn't quite ready to receive them (i.e. they havent installed it yet).

Is there a freeware or light weight tool (e.g. perl script) we can use to show us that the SNMP traps are received successfully?

I'm already investigating Net-SNMP (ref: sourceforge), but I was looking for recommendations. This is quite a restricted environment, so I'd prefer not to try to introduce new tools, but scripts etc are a-ok.
posted by kaydo to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: http://www.wtcs.org/informant/free_snmp_tools.htm
posted by rhizome at 5:39 PM on July 30, 2007

Does it need to be automated? If it's just checking functionality, I'd just run tcpdump or wireshark and watch the trap come in over the wire.
posted by mendel at 5:46 PM on July 30, 2007

I've done a little work with Net::SNMP and had great success. YMMV.
posted by MasterShake at 6:23 PM on July 30, 2007

I've used Scotty for trap collection in the past. It worked well and on a couple of occasions when I encountered problems the author responded to emails to the mailing list very quickly.
posted by harmfulray at 8:07 PM on July 30, 2007

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