How do I mantain a mirror of two offline svn repositores?
July 30, 2007 5:02 PM

Calling all subversion experts. I've got a question about the best way to maintain a mirror between two subversion repositories who each reside on a separate physical network, and cannot talk to each other.

So I'm tasked with developing a solution to our version control problems, and they're compounded by the fact that we must keep two svn repositories that cannot be merged together except by exporting a whole branch from one side, putting it on a cd and merging it by hand, essentially. This network-separation thing is tremendously annoying, but there is no getting around it, and we've got to live with it.

The scenario is we have branch A and branch B. People can make changes to branch A and branch B independent of each other, so we've got the potential for users to step all over each other's changes. Is there any tool in the svn community that allows for creating a diff/patch of what's changed, while still maintaining version control between two off line repositories? If any of this is unclear, I can explain in more detail.

This is linux, and I'm free to implement any solution as long as the only thing it costs is my time.
posted by SweetJesus to Computers & Internet (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard that SVK works well. It's basically a decentralized form of Subversion.
posted by cerebus19 at 5:37 PM on July 30, 2007

Sure. Make the repos read-only and have all changes submitted to a source moderator as diffs via their favorite communications medium.
posted by rhizome at 5:38 PM on July 30, 2007

Make the repos read-only

Cannot do that. Both repos are actively committed to, and we can have no change where that is concerned. As far as the source moderator is concerned, that would be me, and I'd like to make it as small of a part of my day as I can.

I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard that SVK works well

Yes, thanks. I'm actively investigating that now.
posted by SweetJesus at 6:02 PM on July 30, 2007

Do you have to use subversion? Mercurial, and related distributed version control systems, do these types of things very well.
posted by rdr at 6:58 PM on July 30, 2007

Do you have to use subversion? Mercurial, and related distributed version control systems, do these types of things very well.

Have to use subversion. It's established and used by hundreds of people within the organization.

Also, I really like and feel comfortable with it, but that's neither here nor there...
posted by SweetJesus at 7:24 PM on July 30, 2007

If you're willing to pay for it, this might fit the bill.
posted by yerfatma at 5:11 AM on August 2, 2007

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