I'm looking for advice regarding advertising free alcohol in Alberta, Canada.
July 6, 2007 12:33 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for advice regarding advertising free alcohol in Alberta, Canada.

I'm in charge of advertising for a small wine shop. As a matter of course, the shop offers complimentary tastings of a few wines everyday. You can walk into the shop anytime you like and have a small glass of wine, from bottles that the staff choose.

Is it legal to post a sign on the door of the shop that says "Complimentary tastings available"? I understand that there are some strictures against advertising "free alcohol" in Canada, but I'd like to know the specifics, and I haven't had much luck with the Google route.

Any resources or personal advice would be appreciated.
posted by chudmonkey to Law & Government (3 answers total)
I would check with the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission.
posted by Merlyn at 12:42 PM on July 6, 2007

One of your wine reps would probably know.
posted by doublesix at 1:56 PM on July 6, 2007

Check the Retail Liquor Stores Operating Guidelines (PDF), section 9.1.1 B2 and E.

Pretty sure, though, that the "sampling" mentioned there is not your customers sampling your liquor, but rather you sampling your suppliers' liquor. So it could very well be the case that hanging a sign could merely be icing on an already illegal cake.

IANAL, let alone an Albertan.
posted by Reggie Digest at 7:05 PM on July 6, 2007

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