Tri nations without the subscription
July 2, 2007 11:56 AM   Subscribe

Tri-nations on (net) radio?

So, Tri-nations is going into its fourth week, and I've watched exactly one of the games. I've been looking around for a place to get a play-by-play/commentary (I'll be listening to it at work, so it can't have video), but nothing's come up. Any ideas?

A net station that broadcasts more than just tri nations would be great as well (the world cup in sept, and six nations next year at a minimum). I don't really need/want interviews or the like, which is all I found for rugby podcasts/radio.

I've also found susbcription services for streaming, but they're quite expensive, and have video, which I don't want (I'll watch them all eventually in HD).
posted by devilsbrigade to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
My rugby loving friend likes to listen to Rugbydump. You can listen live via skype. At ARC Rugby they tell you how. This is alternative commentary though.
posted by kudzu at 1:38 PM on July 2, 2007

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