How can I send SMSes from Address Book (OS X) using my Nokia N73?
June 18, 2007 5:45 AM

How can I send SMSes from Address Book (OS X) using my Nokia N73? / Where can I find an AT command set for the N73?

It seems that Address Book refuses to work with my N73 in regards to sending SMSes. iSync works flawlessly and transfers all my contacts and calendar entries with ease. Are there any fixes for this?

If not; as I'm led to believe that the AT commands for my phone in the Address Book application are incorrect / outdated, where can I find a complete listing of AT commands so I can try my own hand at a solution?
posted by PuGZ to Technology (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Nova Media has a handy plug-in that will add Mac Address Book functionality with many Nokia and Sony Ericsson phones. It's 6.5 Euros, which I think is a fair price to pay to avoid delving into AT command sets. I use this with a Nokia N80, and have never had a problem.
posted by Etaoin Shrdlu at 7:00 AM on June 18, 2007

Fantastic! Absolutely perfect, just what I was looking for. Thanks a lot!
posted by PuGZ at 12:28 AM on June 19, 2007

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