Not the Pretenders, either
June 17, 2007 10:22 AM   Subscribe

SongFilter: Sad love song, big band era.

I was shopping in Galena, IL Saturday and heard a song at a tchotchke shop that I really, really liked. But I couldn't listen to all of it because my nieces were being brats. Tonight, googling what I remember fails me.

It was a female singer, with a sweet soprano voice, addressing her lost lover. There was a bit about being out in public and seeing other men, but this was all "pretending", because nobody made her feel like him. The song made the point that a lot of people pretend and they shouldn't settle for it.

There was a male response in the song, with a line about swallowing or burying "pride" and both voices sang a line, separately, saying two people who love each other so much shouldn't hurt each other this way. The singers end up agreeing to give it another try, even though it's been a while.

The song seemed to be structurally complex, but I admit it's just barely possible I'm merging two songs that played one after the other. I don't think so, though.

The music was big band, maybe swing, but generally a lot of wistful horns. Maybe it was too spare to really be big band. Heck, maybe it was a modern revival.

Anyway, I've googled like crazy, and all I come up with are songs by Yes and Linkin Park. It isn't H.I.M., the Bee Gees, Clapton, or any of the others that turn up with variations. Interestingly, with the exception of "The Great Pretender", most of the hits on "pretending" are about lovers pretending to go on but knowing they have to break up. That song and this one are about people pretending they're OK after breaking up.
posted by dhartung to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I haven't the faintest idea what it is--it sounds like a lovely song--but could you call the store, and ask them what CD they were playing the time you were there? If it was the radio, some stations keep online lists of the songs they played.
posted by Lycaste at 7:34 PM on June 17, 2007

It sounds a lot like Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, although they are 70's R and B, not big band. The song I'm thinking of is called Stranded in your Love and it's a great tune from their cd Naturally. I don't think this is your song, but maybe if you check it out. Stranded (direct link sound clip).

I hope you find the song you're looking for.
posted by ashbury at 9:02 PM on June 17, 2007

Response by poster: Wow, I done stumped AskMe.

I may need to do that, Lycaste. I thought that I would remember more of the lyrics (nothing to write them down on was handy) and I thought that it would be an immediately recognizable song -- it even seemed sort of familiar to me.

ashbury, thanks, it sounds great. But that song is clearly R&B and my song was clearly -- well, it might have been a bit more jazzy than I let on, but I felt it was a very clean Tin Pan Alley song except for the structure. The singer had the characteristic Betty Boop catch in her voice that was typical for that era's singers and was almost surely white.

I'll sleep on it another night and see if anything else bubbles up.
posted by dhartung at 11:20 PM on June 17, 2007

Response by poster: To date I've been unable to contact the store. I did find out the previous owner, but he did not have any information (he could/would give me) on the new owners.

Maybe I'll try self-hypnosis. (Not actually kidding.)
posted by dhartung at 12:29 AM on June 25, 2007

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