How Do I get Outlooks out of office assistant to work for e-mails received from the internet?
June 15, 2007 1:00 PM

Our organization's MS Outlook out of office assistant is not working for e-mails received from outside the organization. Why is this and is there a way to fix it?

We use Exchange Server 03 on Server 03 with clients using Outlook 03. I can turn the out of office assistant on, and it works for inter-office e-mail just not e-mails coming in from the outside internet.
posted by ijoyner to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
This is usually turned off in Exchange, generally for security reasons. You might be able to create a work-around with rules on the client-side in Outlook, though...
posted by curse at 1:30 PM on June 15, 2007

The administrator sets that up. I think it is an all or nothing proposition. Where I work, they had it on internal only but eventually enabled it due to employee demand.
posted by birdherder at 1:54 PM on June 15, 2007

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