Is there some kind of political youtube out there?
June 3, 2007 1:31 AM

Where can I find presidential candidate debates online?

I'm interested in following the debates that have been and are going to be held, but I usually miss them on TV.

Is there any website or source that has the whole debates (instead of clips)?

It doesn't matter if it's video or just audio.
posted by carpyful to Law & Government (10 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
CNN says it's "CNN debate coverage will be made available without restrictions at the conclusion of each live debate." So this may be a good start. Here is the link to their 2008 Election Center where they will have coverage on tonight's Democratic and Tuesday's Republican debates.
posted by dnthomps at 4:04 AM on June 3, 2007

Also -

BBC News coverage
Guardian Unlimited coverage
New York Times coverage
Vote 2008 PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
Forum 21's USA 2008 special coverage With exclusive interviews of candidates
posted by dnthomps at 4:18 AM on June 3, 2007

IIRC, iTunes had the 2004 debates (audio) for free. Don't know if that'll follow, though.
posted by mhz at 4:28 AM on June 3, 2007

If just audio is fine, then you can get quite a few presidential debates and speeches at Learn out Loud. After registering (free), just click on the "free stuff" tab, then the "politics" tab. You have to go through this annoying "buying" process where you check out and "purchase" the free files you want to download, but it's just a minor annoyance. Best of luck.
posted by diocletian at 6:00 AM on June 3, 2007
posted by ducktape at 7:47 AM on June 3, 2007

It looks like this youtuber has posted all three complete debates as a series of ten minute clips.

I know is going to stream tonight's debate live, but would I have to sign up for the Pipeline "free trial" (and fork over a credit card number) to watch?
posted by thrako at 9:25 AM on June 3, 2007

CNN Pipeline is switching to free on July 1. Notice that the Pipeline website doesn't say that anywhere.... But I guess if you sign up for the free trial, and cancel, you'll still have it.
posted by ALongDecember at 10:05 AM on June 3, 2007

Pipeline (VLC) 1, 2, 3, 4.
posted by acro at 10:47 AM on June 3, 2007

(1) Find out which network is sponsoring the debate.

(2) Go to that network's website, e.g. for the first Democratic debate.

(3) Find their article about the debate, e.g. this one.

(4) Look around for a link to the debate.

I've watched all the debates so far using this technique (so it worked with MSNBC and FoxNews). They have video clips interrupted with advertisements, but if you put all the clips together you get the complete debates.
posted by Jaltcoh at 11:09 AM on June 3, 2007 now has the free pipline link on the main page
posted by thrako at 3:06 PM on June 3, 2007

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