Can anyone suggest the title/ author of a book of conversation starters I once heard about?
April 5, 2004 6:27 AM   Subscribe

Can anyone suggest the title/ author of a book I once heard about? It contains dozens of conversation starters - things like (and I paraphrase): "If you were offered to live forever, but only on condition that you were ugly, would you take it"?
posted by skylar to Media & Arts (7 answers total)
Maybe The book of questions by Gregory Stock?
posted by FreezBoy at 6:37 AM on April 5, 2004

Could be: If... (Questions for the Game of Life) by McFarlane & Saywell, 1995
posted by found missing at 6:39 AM on April 5, 2004

There are tons of these types of books. Check Amazon.
posted by agregoli at 7:07 AM on April 5, 2004

Would You Rather?
posted by Jairus at 7:13 AM on April 5, 2004

They're even a collection of party, phone, and TV games now, called Zobmondo.
posted by robocop is bleeding at 7:59 AM on April 5, 2004

I'll second Gregory Stock's series of books. He did at least three of them.
posted by dobbs at 11:39 AM on April 5, 2004

Response by poster: Thanks for the responses. I think it is "If: Questions for the Game of Life" - cheers, found missing. But I'll check out Gregory Stock's books too.

Agregoli - your response was no help at all - I wouldn't have come to AskMe if I had been able to find the book easily on previous Amazon and Google searches.
posted by skylar at 1:43 AM on April 6, 2004

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