Can I eBay a service that mods game consoles?
May 1, 2007 9:32 AM

I'd like to start selling the service of modifying certain game consoles on a certain auction site.

I'm not sure if the auction site will allow me to sell this service. I've read their rules for sellers and I seem to be in the clear there. Also, the modification itself is not illegal, and has real uses that are also not illegal.

The modification does also open up the possibility of some illegal activities, much as a VCR does. I won't engage in any illegal activities in the process.

I've seen services for sale on the auction site, like a notable one that repairs iPods.

Any caveats? Has anyone tried this? Does eBay have a history of throwing out console modifiers?
posted by anonymous to Work & Money (6 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
My experience with trying something of questionable legality (I had the "brilliant" idea of offering to make people a mix tape) is that if you only get caught once, they'll remove the listing and give you a warning. If you do it again, they'll pull your account.

So, if you've never been flagged before, it might be worth a shot to just try it.

Heck, it can't be that hard to stay on ebay, considering that metafilter's favorite scammer airsomethingsomething is still selling stuff.
posted by drezdn at 9:43 AM on May 1, 2007

You could try, but honestly I'm just not sure that auction sites like eBay are really well set up for the sale of services, prepaid or not. As a buyer, I'd probably not buy a prepaid service from an auction site. It's just not how I think of using eBay.

If I was in the market for something like that, I'd probably check something like Craigslist first, because that just seems more the place to go for services.

Anyway, eBay's rules on pulling stuff are almost entirely arbitrary. I used to sell used software on there all the time, and never really had a problem -- everything was still in the box, no shrinkwrap but otherwise as-bought, wholly legitimate transactions -- but I'm told that if you do the same thing today they'll pull the auction.
posted by Kadin2048 at 10:17 AM on May 1, 2007

You'd be in a better position if you bought a domain and hosting package, started up a simple site advertising your wares, and then went around to various modding forums and just posted regularly. Help people out with their questions, get to know them. Link to your site in your sig.

This way, you establish rapport, you have a professional setup, and you don't have to worry about eBay rules.

My boyfriend and I just chipped a console using a service provided by a guy who did just what I advised above. His site was simple, easy to use, and under his control.
posted by cmgonzalez at 10:38 AM on May 1, 2007

When my, uh, friend chipped his console, he found the guy that did it on Craigslist.
posted by klangklangston at 1:25 PM on May 1, 2007

Well, I would be reluctant to use your services, especially if you took any length of time. eBay's feedback period (and complaint-filing period) only lasts for 90 days, I think, so I'd have to get my console out to you, you'd have to mod it, and get it back to me well within that time, so I could make sure it worked.
posted by IndigoRain at 5:13 PM on May 1, 2007

Well, I would be reluctant to use your services, especially if you took any length of time. eBay's feedback period (and complaint-filing period) only lasts for 90 days, I think, so I'd have to get my console out to you, you'd have to mod it, and get it back to me well within that time, so I could make sure it worked.

Our experience took eight days from shipping out to receipt. Priority Mail or Fed Ex/UPS are pretty much the only shipping options modders will offer, as they offer insurance and are quick.
posted by cmgonzalez at 8:42 PM on May 1, 2007

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