Advice for moving long distances with a very old, medically frail pug
April 27, 2007 1:09 AM

Geriatric Pug and moving across country...

I have an 14 year old pug (, she has been my constant companion for all of those 14 years. She is totally deaf and mostly blind and suffers from pancreatitis. She has bonded very strongly with my room-mate's dog, she seems to use him as a sort of guide dog. They have lived together for the past 6 years. It's actually really cute, he wakes her up when I get home since she cannot hear me come in. Anyhow, this is my question: I am moving to Denver in June from Portland, OR to start nursing school and move in with my long distance boyfriend. I am totally torn as to what to do with my poor dog. Should I take her with me right off the bat even though it'll mean being locked up in a strange place all alone all day everyday (the bf works insanely long hours), or should I wait to bring her out until maybe winter break, after we get settled and maybe can get her a new guide dog of her very own? My room-mate is awesome and is willing to keep her for me as long as needed. I just keep thinking that god forbid, she died while I was out there without her, I'd never forgive myself but I don't want her to be miserable either....any ideas? Anyone?
posted by yodelingisfun to Pets & Animals (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
If it's about what's best for your dog, I'd say leave her with your roomie, pay a pension and cover the vet bills.

Yes, she may die while with your roomie. These things happen. There's nothing to forgive yourself for. If your roomie is prepared to accept the responsibilities of an ill animal and make decisions in your absence, this sounds like the wisest couse.

I wouldn't count on any other dog acting as your pug's guide dog. I have a dog who would probably just pee on your dog if left alone with her. Especially if you guys aren't going to be around to socialise them.

If you aren't going to be around, you might want to consider that you aren't going to be able to care for any dogs at all until you're out of school.
posted by kika at 3:44 AM on April 27, 2007

I agree. As hard as it may be, I think it would be better for your dog to stay with your roommate at first.
posted by esolo at 4:14 AM on April 27, 2007

Thirded. Heartbreaking, for sure, but I think you need to discuss a permanent arrangement with your super-cool roomie. Short of that person and her dog coming to live with you, there is pretty much no way to maintain your dog's quality of life somewhere else.

Set up a monthly payment so that your roommate has some vet and food money, and as horrible as this will be to do, you need to write up a little living will regarding your dog's care under various circumstances. I learned this from experience caring for an ex's ill dog, there came a point where he needed to be euthanized and my ex couldn't get over his guilt enough to agree with me, and I should have just had the dog put to sleep and reported back that he died, but I didn't and I don't think I did that dog a service.

I'm sorry this is such a tough situation. I just think the move would be too too hard on him.
posted by Lyn Never at 6:32 AM on April 27, 2007

Fourthed. Your dog is in the ideal situation for your dog. It will hurt you like crazy, but you would definitely be providing the best quality of life.

And Lyn is wise.

If you have the money and technical expertise, you might as your roomie to set up a web cam (that you provide) so you can "visit" your dog.
posted by nita at 7:26 AM on April 27, 2007

Why don't you try contacting the great folks at Best Friends for advice? They're the largest no-kill animal sanctuary in the U.S. and they put a lot of effort into helping people navigate problems just like yours. I think if you call or email them they'll help you figure out what's best for you and your little pug.
posted by tamjl at 7:35 AM on April 27, 2007

Thanks guys, just for the record Reba has doggie insurance so all her vet bills are covered by me already. Man, this is just plain hard.
posted by yodelingisfun at 10:48 AM on April 27, 2007

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