Ocean Park Bars
April 23, 2007 10:40 PM

Is there a decent bar on the Santa Monica Airport area, say on Ocean Park or Pico, that a 45-50 year old straight white male might want to start hanging out at with thoughts of becoming a regular?

I want to find my Cheers bar, a place like the old Rain Check Room on Santa Monica Blvd, that's not a pick-up bar, not a gay bar, not a scene, but where decent hard working folks can have intelligent conversation after work. Any ideas?
posted by Carsey to Food & Drink (1 answer total)
I produced a play at the Odyssey Theatre a couple of years ago. After performances, everyone from all three stages used to go to the San Francisco Saloon on Pico, a couple of blocks west of Sepulveda. It's definitely a neighborhood bar, and there were a wide range of ages there. There is more of a younger clientele, but not entirely, and it's definitely more of a hang-out place than a pick-up joint.
posted by ljshapiro at 7:52 AM on April 25, 2007

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