Great event planning + task management software?
April 20, 2007 2:12 PM

Anyone know of any great event planning + task management software?

I'm specifically looking for task management software with an emphasis on event planning. Basically, I need something that helps me with backwards-planning for repeat events. (Think: wedding planning. Reserve the hall, hire the caterer...rinse, repeat for each event.) Ideally it would allow re-usuable event "templates."

Example: I'm a performing musician, and I've got a show planned for three months out. I know that there are many things I need to do in advance of the show date:

-4 weeks: confirm date with venue
-3 weeks: send flyers
-2 weeks: send local press release
-10 days: notify local event calendars
-2 days: send "last-mile" reminder to mailing list
+2 days: send thank-you to venue and promoter
etc. (there could be a lot more here)

Currently I have to enter all of these tasks by hand into Google Calendar, set reminders, etc. It's maddening, especially when you multiply it by 10 shows a month. It would be great if I could define a template of tasks grouped around a type of event, so when I insert an event on a particular date, all the related tasks are inserted automatically into the calendar.

Email/SMS reminders are also key. I need the interruptions. I'd prefer web-based software over desktop apps, but I'd consider either.

I've already looked at Basecamp, Tracks, RememberTheMilk, etc. so far none of them have this templating ability.

Does such a beast exist?
posted by scottandrew to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Scott, have a look at Tasks. It runs on your server and supports templating and e-mail reminders. I have used it for a couple of years (although not the e-mail functions) and am very happy with it.
posted by bradlands at 2:45 PM on April 20, 2007

For a desktop application, I'd wager MS Project could do what you want, though it has a bit of a learning curve. You can test out most of its features online, too.
posted by shivohum at 12:13 AM on April 21, 2007

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