Bespoke suits in Eastern Europe?
March 19, 2007 9:58 AM   Subscribe

Bespoke suits in Eastern Europe?

I'm in Krakow, Poland for the next little while and am interested in buying a new, tailored suit at a good price. Whenever people talk about cheap bespoke stuff online, both Asia and "Eastern Europe" come up, but I can't actually find any recommendations for where in this part of the world to go. Are there any recommended Polish tailors (maybe who understand some English)? Or even outside Poland, so long as it's not too far? Google's not being any help at all.

Thanks so much!
posted by Marquis to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (2 answers total)
I had a suit made in in Piaseczno outside Warsaw a few years ago, but I'm looking to get another one made this summer - wedding season is getting close.

I'll look around (I'm in Warsaw) and let you know if I find anything.
posted by jedrek at 10:31 AM on March 19, 2007

Response by poster: that's really kind; thanks jedrek. please email me if you do!
posted by Marquis at 6:50 AM on March 20, 2007

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