Can I get a new mattress for my Ikea kids bed?
March 18, 2007 6:19 PM

Can you recommend a new mattress for this kid's bed from Ikea?

We have one these beds which is a great and interesting design. The mattress, however, is an odd size and not very comfortable. What's my best bet for getting a new one? A custom made futon? Where can I get on in Western Mass? Something else?
posted by dhacker to Home & Garden (4 answers total)
Ikea says the "Sultan Sova" is the one that works with this bed. The problem with Ikea beds is that the crib/kids mattresses aren't perfectly interchangable with other brands. So I think you're making a trip to New Haven or Stoughton.
posted by dw at 7:02 PM on March 18, 2007

dw, my understanding is that the poster already has the Ikea mattress, and wants to replace it with something else because it's not comfortable.

I can't recommend a specific dealer, but I think a custom mattress is not too hard to find -- a Google query for [custom mattress massachusetts] turns up a bunch of sources, including this one, though I don't know the state well enough to know if it is in the right area for you.
posted by litlnemo at 8:45 PM on March 18, 2007

dw, my understanding is that the poster already has the Ikea mattress, and wants to replace it with something else because it's not comfortable.

OK, I missed that part. I'd either go with the aforementioned custom mattress place, or check for a place in town that does foam for furniture -- a number of them do foam mattresses as well.
posted by dw at 8:53 PM on March 18, 2007

Foam mattresses are good for kids because it's very difficult to jump up and down on them. However, the mattress for the previously mentioned bed is a bit thin. If you go to a foam store, you can have a piece of foam cut to size. You'll want to consider a slipcover for it, but that's pretty easy to make.
posted by acoutu at 10:15 PM on March 18, 2007

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