How do I legally republish Google News on my website?
March 14, 2004 12:50 AM   Subscribe

Can anyone see what's happened to the Yemen Times website? They seem to be trying to 'include' a google news search results page on their own front page. I didn't think that was possible.
posted by feelinglistless to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
It's being done server side: The server pulls down the google search, and pastes it into the page it serves to your browser. It's also doing it quite badly, as they're not only not removing the markup they should be removing (like the <html>, <head>, and <body> tags), they're also not removing the headers, which makes it look rather silly in most browsers.

You can however include documents client-side, using the iframe tag.
posted by fvw at 1:30 AM on March 14, 2004

It's possible. But is republishing Google News legal?
posted by grabbingsand at 7:02 PM on March 14, 2004

In an IFRAME the legality would be debatable, seeing as it's up to a point the same as linking. What they're doing is probably not legal in most countries (unless they have permission ofcourse). Still, it'd be very easy for google to put a stop to if they wanted, even without resorting to legal means.
posted by fvw at 9:14 PM on March 14, 2004

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