How to make a small profit with currency if you have regular access to the Euro and Slovak Crown?
February 24, 2007 1:24 PM

How to make a small profit with currency if you have regular access to the Euro and Slovak Crown?

I'm not really sure how to phrase this question, but i am regularly in germany and slovakia and the euro has much more value than the slovak koruna (1 euro is 34.44 koruna). How do i make a small profit when using these two currencies?
and also how can i follow the exchange rate to make profit?
posted by freddymetz to Work & Money (3 answers total)
Become a banker.
posted by ilsa at 2:30 PM on February 24, 2007

No small timers do this kind of work on the side. At least not successfully. Sorry.
posted by zpousman at 3:01 PM on February 24, 2007

You can make small (probably very small) profits by only exchanging your money when it's favorable. For example, if you trade 5 euro for 35 krona, you could wait to buy euros again until you could get 6 euro for 35 krona. Doing this with a lot of money is probably really risky and a bad idea, and probably also isn't the best way to make money investing.
posted by !Jim at 7:05 PM on February 24, 2007

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