Norton Ghost question
March 7, 2004 10:57 PM   Subscribe

I have 100GB and 160GB hard drives in my XP computer. I tried using Norton Ghost to move the 100GB info to my latter drive, and it worked but with serious partition errors (windows not booting). I then moved a large amount of data to my 160, the 100 not really having changed. Everything in windows functions, but when I use Partition Magic 8 I get the following error: "Disk 1 appears to have partitions created using a different drive geometry (255h 63s original, 240h 63 current) You should back up...." etcetera. More inside.

By the way, this question may appear specific, but could be very useful to someone to makes the same mistake.

Both hard disks work fine in windows and I move gigs of data each week. I have VERY important data on my secondary disk. How can I change the sectors back to its original properties without formatting the hard disk? In Partition Magic, I can't do anything to my primary because the program concludes it is bad.
posted by Keyser Soze to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Response by poster: Update: All partitions are NTFS.
posted by Keyser Soze at 11:01 PM on March 7, 2004

I just spent a good chunk of time solving (and creating) HD problems with Ghost and PM8, so it seems that I ought to be able to help, but I'm not sure what exactly your problem is. How were your drives partitioned? Which drive was your boot drive? Did you overwrite it, and now it won't boot? You might have to get even more specific.
posted by muckster at 4:06 PM on March 8, 2004

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